Latest Phone Scam - Be Careful

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Oct 3, 2009
Reaction score
Mid Coast Region, NSW, Australia
There's a new phone scam and this one's really, really dangerous. You wouldn't think so when you first heard it, or if it happened to you, but when you find out what they're doing with it ... don't worry, toilet paper isn't expensive!

Here's the scenario: your phone rings and you answer it (in any way you like, "hello", "hi", whatever). The person on the other end says "Can you hear me" and your obvious response is naturally to say "Yes". They hang up, you think it's a weird call and maybe they're just having trouble with their phone. Not worried? Read on.

What they've just done is record YOUR voice saying "yes". This is used in voiceprint confirmations, for example when someone tries to access your bank account "Please confirm that you are Jack B Nimble" ... "Yes" ... "Thank you, transferring all your money to the Cayman Islands ..."

The easy answer is to be a cheeky little bugger and respond "No". If it's your mate calling with a dodgy phone and he asks "Can you hear me" and you answer "no", he'll know you did anyway and you're just being a smart ass. If it's one of these scammers, you just saved yourself.

The federal Gubberment in its infinite wisdom has started using voiceprint identification for access to your tax and Centrelink information. You'd think that's a clever move, except that we've been able to record voice for more than a few years now and maybe the gubberment should have realised that ... idiots!

So stay safe, and when you get that call ... don't say "Yes"!
I had a similar call yesterday from- 03 5145 6477-
I have family all throughout Victoria and have very few home numbers saved so i answered.
Cannot remember my response as i was feeding the dog and had my boy running around like a headless chook but don't think i really need to worry all that much. If they want my debts-TAKE'EM
Thanks for the heads up tho Tony
A/holes!, I look at the Scamwatch site every few days. I still get the Windows Scammers every week telling me my computer is sending out error messages and want to remotely access it to fix it. Also the "IRS" calls every week to tell me I'm going to jail for not paying tax. I just have an audio recording of a loud porn scene saved on an old ipod. Play that down the phone and it shuts them up.
A/holes!, I look at the Scamwatch site every few days. I still get the Windows Scammers every week telling me my computer is sending out error messages and want to remotely access it to fix it. Also the "IRS" calls every week to tell me I'm going to jail for not paying tax. I just have an audio recording of a loud porn scene saved on an old ipod. Play that down the phone and it shuts them up.

He he I like that. I regularly keep them on the phone if I have time and lead them along. When I got the tax dept subpoena scam I called the number back so many times THEY took the phone off the hook😂
Oh I have an annoying habit of completely misunderstanding them. Here's a couple of sample conversations I've had recently.

"Is Luke <surname given> there"
"Yes, let me see where he is ..." <pause, make tapping sounds on keyboard> "Oh yes, he's buried in section C."
"He's buried in section C. We can give you a map when you get here, but it's down the path and on your left."
"I'm after Luke."
"Yes, buried him last week. When visiting, please don't walk on the plot."

And another one:
"I am calling from <some company> and would like to offer you free solar panels for your home!"
"I already have a dog."
"Sorry sir, we are offering you free solar panels for the roof of your house!"
"My dog doesn't go woof, it's more like arf arf arf"
"Solar panels produce power for your house, sir"
"We already have a dog, why would I want an inflatable one?"
"Sir, this line must be very noisy on your end."
"I can hear you perfectly clearly, there is no noise. I don't want an inflatable yellow dog, I have a real living one thanks"

Evil exists. I know!
You guys know about " Take me off your call list" dont you? Say those six words in that particular order next time a telemarketer calls, and behold the magic when they say, "yes sir, we will take you off our call list" and promptly go away.
Its the only thing they understand. Apparently it is international law or something.
Of course it doesn't help against the voice recognition scam though.
Yep I've done that and it slows the Telemarket pests but not the Scammers. A few things I've learnt is even though they are overseas they have software that bypasses the caller ID so it looks like the pricks are in Australia. Also they have software that will generate numbers for them to call. I still recommend keeping an eye on Scamwatch, it has screenshots to show you what any online scams look like.