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Oct 15, 2008
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Canberra have pity !!!!!
Lokal Guvnment are Speshul

Here in sunny Canberra we have some special govvy officials
I was enquiring as to how loud a horn can be legally.
I was told you can basically have as loud as you want as long as its a single tone.
however its ILLEGAL to use your horn in the ACT.
So by the ADR's our vehicles have to have a horn but its illegal to use them.
I asked so why bother if we cant use them and got told oh its ok in an emergency situation.
So am going to have new stickers made.

Horn illegal to use, watch for finger!
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I reckon you would have to come across a !@#$%^& of a cop to do you for using the horn.

Is the thread title mean't to be spelt wrong ?
There was a 15 page thread on another forum about 4 months ago that revolved around illegal use of the horn, alot of it was people bitching about the actual rules which do state "emergency use only" and not for saying goodbye or hello, but there was a number of people who reported being done for it. Like everything it all comes down to when and how you do it.

As for the stickers Aussie don't waste your money, the neighbours F100 which burnt in the 09 fires had one on it since the early 80's so someone's already done the financial outlay :ha:
Yes Dave I spelled it speshul lol
Krafty dont you mean
Caution Horn broken watch for finger?

Dem guvinment doods gots rooly gud ideers. Like mate, all western sydney coppers are gonna wear flannos mate, and do a breath-test in pairs wiv an ugly copper. If teh driver rekons the ugly copper is worth rootin', they book him for bein' nissed as a pewt.
Yeah the one the neighbour had was similar to that but both me and my keyboard are dyslexic so therefore they read the same.
I gots me a good reasons for a LOUD Orn
If I sees me a little old lady who doesnt see me truck and is gunna step out in front of me I can scare her to deaf with a bluudy loud horn instead of running her ova !
But you is allowed to have it loud, just not tuneful, it's to save the old lady, if she hears a tune she stops and starts humming or worse still starts dancing. If it's one note she will shit herself and bolt. See the law is there to protect everyone.
Oi Dave
you ruined me goodera Engerish. I cant change it bak to proppa spellin now lol

I just thought of something that could be quite humerous.
The ex always gives the horn a blast in her Mazda when she wants to let the kids know she has arrived to pick them up. I should record it on the phone and take it to her work and see what they think. Gotta be funny watching an AFP employee breaking the law lol

The intelligent people at hepburn shire in vic came up with the idea of replacing all the council lighting with energy efficient globes, Nice in theory and would of made sense to replace blown globes with energy efficient ones as required. But no they did a mass change over for publicity, What about the waste of sending to landfill globes that still worked. Any thing for a cheap shot at the tools in hepatitis shire:sarcastic:

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