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    • Drat76
      Drat76 replied to the thread NP300 Turbo Upgrade.
      Thanks for your feedback. I will look around my local area to find someone who specialises in turbos to get another opinion. 👍🏻
    • Drat76
      Drat76 reacted to tweak'e's post in the thread NP300 Turbo Upgrade with Like Like.
      sounds like you need to pin point the exact cause. it kinda sounds like you got the usual bs answer "it sounds like its the turbo" and...
    • Drat76
      Drat76 replied to the thread NP300 Turbo Upgrade.
      On a recent trip from Newcastle to Melbourne I noticed when overtaking a car on the highway that the turbo started making an unusual...
    • Drat76
      I have just found out that the turbo in my 2015 NP300 is dying with only about 160,000km on the clock! So, this is a good opportunity to...
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