
Nissan Navara Forum

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Jan 2, 2014
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

My name is Jezz, I've used this forum since before I picked up my Nav a year ago and have been back almost every time I do something to it, so I figured it was time I signed up. I've found this site to be a great resource and I hope in time I'm able to return the favour.

I have a 2012 D40 ST and love it, upgraded from a RA Rodeo which had a fair pit of work done to it and plan for my Nav to be much the same (maybe not so high with the lift this time, maybe) I've added some pics in my garage if your interested.

cya 'round the forums.
Cheers for the welcome guys,
thinking I might add some product reviews, is there a limit as to what there about? I have lots of great gear I'm more than pleased with that I recommend to everyone that asks guess it might help you guys aswell, also added a pic of my old Rodeo to the garage.

Regards Jezz
We don't want any reviews of tampons. Please do not do that. I think there will be little or no interest in cherry-flavoured suppositories too, so leave them out. If it's for 4WDing, camping or towing, then someone will likely be interested so go for it!