I'm going to Perth! Route advice, stops and sights and D40 set up tips :)

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I only found World's End because we decided to stop for a cuppa in the town Colin Theile was born and there was a sign pointing to it. Coming back home on the same trip we also did a bit of a tour around Storm Boy territory.

These days heading from Renmark to the Gutta we only stop at Jamestown because it's got a good park for the kids to run around.
I also forgot the Buckleboo Stock route out behind Wuddinna. It's in Pinakwillanie CP and is a dune/ swale system, with a couple of moderately challenging dunes to cross, there's great camping (no facilities at all though -- just you, 60k ha and the stars). Amazing bit of mallee and some pretty cool rock formations. You can drive it in an afternoon, or spend 10 days (I have).

PM me for details (such that I have) or Google is your friend.
... Jamestown ...

Me and Jamestown have never gotten along -- don't know why, mutual dislike I expect.

I keep hunting along to Melrose (there's a direct route through Boolaroo). Melrose has had a Renaissance recently as Moutain Bike riders have moved to town -- so it's got a nice blend of Blue-blood grain farmer & downhill heroes. Equates to great pubs, good coffee and friendly locals (except, curiously the caravan park operator who when we spoke to her, had a ciggy hanging out the corner of her mouth and mumbled something about never having been far from town).

Mt Remarkable is worth a climb, and at 6hrs return would take care of the kids energy!
These days I do the trip by rest stops for the kids and to be honest wouldn't know what Jamestown even had other than the park.

I've done the scenery tour a few times but these days I don't rush, I don't push it but I do drive to get from A to B at my pace only stopping when the kids need to stretch their legs.

Whycheproof has a good park and its quiet. Jamestown has a good park, Kimba has a good park, there is SFA across the Nullarbor but both Eucla and Caiguna have something but not much and Merriden has an absolutely brilliant park and the take away joint next to the bakery does a good cheap salad, but you wouldn't want to stay there.

I could do a Nullarbor (Melb to Perth) junk food tour guide too, but it will be a few years old because these days I take my food and pretty much don't buy anything food related during the day. I do allow myself an evening meal at Border Village though because it's about the best feed on the Nullarbor, the rest are just average meals or junk food.
This was a great read with some real usefull info.
I'm heading from Melb to Perth late July returning late August and trying to get an idea of weather patterns, there's a bit you can learn on line with sites like Weather Zone but can anyone give me a better idea of conditions for that time of year.
Also I'm travelling in a 2013 RX D40 which will have 40k on the dial, what in the way of mechanical spares should I look at taking.

Cheers lads.
....In WA you will come across wombats, not talking about the people. The Emu's are rarer but bolt out in front of you, day or night....

Umm, I've only lived over here for 40+ years & the only wombats are behind the wheel... there is a few emus though (much more likely for you to be staring down a big grey though), & they'll run alongside you then swerve into you - they're nearly as stupid as sheep!

I do Home>Renmark>Wuddina>Border Village>Norseman>Perth...

Or for the best beaches in the world, turn left at Balladonia & head to Esperance that way (the Balladonia track is just about 2wd these days) - make sure you get to a couple of these places http://www.4-wheeling-in-western-australia.com/orleans-bay.html Orleans Bay has a caravan park is you wanted a shower. Worth checking out Cape Le Grand (the best beaches are further east if you're into serious sightseeing). From Esperance follow Hwy 1 thru to Albany & then through the forests up to Manjimup (the http://www.valleyofthegiants.com.au/ is the west side of Albany), stop in at my place for a beer on your way up to Bunbury, then head to Perth!!

Actually on the idea of talking books. The ABC did a series of podcasts for the Nullarbor, from memory there was a podcast for each town and it explained what was there to see and a bit of history about it. I have no idea if it still exists on line but it could be something worth taking with you.

Edit: I think this is the site I was thinking about.

+100 to talking books & podcasts!!

UHF is awesome for being able to check in with oversize convoys - easier to get called past when you can talk to them direct (just watch the shoulders of the road if they stray over a little when you're passing)