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Nov 22, 2010
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so went into a 4wd store on the northside of brissy today (wont name) to enquire about various works that i would like done on my d40.

i got prices of items , and then prices to install ... ok so i thought now was the time we could negotiate prices seeing as it was going to be a fair bit of work.

but no. he wouldnt move , or couldnt move because of what the suppliers say, and didnt seem to even want to help one bit.

so then i asked for a price list of d40 parts and i was told no i couldnt get that either.

dont know if anyone else has had problems like this, are we ment to pay full price on everything these days and just cop it ? has customer service / word of mouth gone out the window ?

so to people on the northside of brisbane who do you go to for good service?
No idea if having an available parts list for one make of car with retail prices on it would be the norm for any shop, but even if it was you seem to assume the prices are negotiable anyway so what good would a price list be if you are just going to ask for a discount?

I'm not suggesting that asking for a discount or a price list was wrong or that the way you were dealt with was fair but if your not going to believe the price the guy gives you in a quote is his best offer then why would he want to waste time giving you a price list for you to argue with as well?

At worst the price list becomes a pain in the arse to him in a months time when you come back in wanting to buy something and start arguing that your price list is cheaper than his current price list without taking into account the prices could genuinely have risen.
i understand paying full price for a single item , or atleast trying to get some off , but if you fail then so be it , ill pay full price...

but when it comes to a fair ammount of work , and gear i think asking for a bit of a discount is fair , wouldnt you want my business for like 3 - 4 g worth of work or should i just try some where else.

thats a fair comment about the price list i do see your point, i think it was more for me to look at while i was at home etc ... but i do see where you are comming from
I'm not having a go at you directly but similar attitudes used to shit me when I ran the shop. Dickheads come in and argue that the price list is negotiable and that the bigger the sale the bigger the discount.

For me selling computers worth $10K was a deal worth discounting, one because the total parts added up to a reasonable price but also because the after sales service made up for the profit lost on the sale, selling a $2K computer I was lucky to make a few hundred bucks which went to paying couriers, build time, delivery time, rent and any warranty calls for 12 months, the take home profit was small.

I have no idea what the profit margin in 4wd parts is (and unless someone in the business is willing to show their figures I doubt too many here do) but a big spend to you still might not be a huge profit margin to a company who is struggling or has a lot of competition.

Of course the guys at the shop could just dicks there is enough of them around.
maybe because im not a grey nomad and dont have a huge retirement fund they probably dont like me .... lol never mind ill hunt around maybe ill do the installs myself , i do play with electricity all day how hard is it bolting some stuff up lol :)
Grey Nomads throw up their Seniors discounts as they walk in the door, if you could find one of those you'd be right because there is nothing like a bunch of pissed off grey nomads spreading the word about bad customer service.
Grey Nomads get discounts on coffee, it's no wonder the buggers are everywhere, they are awake and hyped up running of discounted coffee beans.
Just buy the gear you want and bolt it on yourself or ask someone on the forum if they can help you out.
i think if your going to buy more than one item they should play fair and come down ... if they don't want the work u don't have to give it too them also when they dont its bad costumer service even if it was 50 bucks 50 bucks u go threw them they make money u save 50 bucks everyone's happy . but your right in saying no one does it anyone coz its true they want us all to pay full price but someone out there will undercut them and then they cry coz they close down ...

this is why we also go off sore for our goods we all know we pay threw the noise for them.

as a tradesman i always get ask to do it cheaper or can u beat this price ..and if i can beat it i will even if its only couple bucks ...get the job and make a little money im happy and hopefully word and mouth spreads i feel happy when i get a phone call saying you have been recommended its good feeling
us tradies must think alike :)

i think if your going to buy more than one item they should play fair and come down ... if they don't want the work u don't have to give it too them also when they dont its bad costumer service even if it was 50 bucks 50 bucks u go threw them they make money u save 50 bucks everyone's happy . but your right in saying no one does it anyone coz its true they want us all to pay full price but someone out there will undercut them and then they cry coz they close down ...

this is why we also go off sore for our goods we all know we pay threw the noise for them.

as a tradesman i always get ask to do it cheaper or can u beat this price ..and if i can beat it i will even if its only couple bucks ...get the job and make a little money im happy and hopefully word and mouth spreads i feel happy when i get a phone call saying you have been recommended its good feeling
The problem is if you can't beat it the lost client often walks away bitching about bad service or inability to do the job without taking into account why you can't beat it. Your service could be 100% better than the other guy but he's buying cheaper parts and can drop the cost but the customer often doesn't care they just walk away without the facts. It's a no win situation most of the time.
If you don't shop round you don't know what a fair price is. Similarly if you don't ask for a discount you'll never get one. Never hurts to ask and I always do.

If you can install yourself you'll save heaps. Arb never wanted to give me price lists and never ever offered a discount, even when I was considering about $6000 worth of gear.
ARB here gave me a price list on all d22 parts and accessories they do (no hesitation) and i didn't even ask for it lol