stereo problem

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Mar 13, 2011
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G`day guys first post
so here goes
Have a 2000 model d22 and with igniton on acc the stero works but as soon as the engine starts the radio goes off
switch engine off and radio comes back on its the original stereo plugged into the original plugs anyone know whats going on
Is the 2000 model one of those ones that runs two fuses, one for live and accessories that keeps it's memories etc and one for on. I know years ago I found some radios set up like that but I'm sure they'd have been pre 2000. And welcome to the forums.
Not sure mate.

Have you downloaded the service manual as they has all the wiring diagrams in it.
thanks for the replys have downloaded the manual and it states that red/green is the back up and green /white is ignition acc on red green has constant power but the green white has no power once the car starts and from what i can work out the green white wire should be the one that powers the the radio cant work out whats going on
No the cigarette lighter has no power with ignition does on accessories though
No the cigarette lighter has no power with ignition does on accessories though

Got me stuffed mate.

I am not sure if there on a relay but the wiring diagrams dont show they are but you never know.

Might be less headaches if you take a trip to the auto electrician.
found the problem after chasing and testing everything the problem turns out to be ignition when you turn the key and the car starts the key needs to be turned back just a fraction to restore power (found this by accident)going to try some graphite to see if it lossens up the other thing that was wrong was the arial plug wasnt pushed in all the way so wasnt earthing properly
Dave auto sounds good unfortunatly im like that guy on the super cheap add who pulls the car apart looking for a rattle noise then finds a pair of earings in the ash tray
Thanks for the help wiring in this model also doesnt have a constant for memory so may have to run one for the stereo thats going in works ok with the constant and pwer connected together
Glad you got it sorted mate.

It should have a constant power wire, my mate has the same model.

One last thing, cheers on posted up what you found. Ill remember that one if anyone else has a similar problem.
Dave rechecked and tested the stereo plug that constant has me buggerd would it have a seperate fuse to the radio cant see a fuse missing will just run a seperate one and the graphite seems to of loosend the switch up so hopefully all good now thanks for the help guys
I had my stereo out the other day.

When I get my bullbar back, Ill have to pull the stereo out again to install the other antenna lead for the UHF.

Ill grab the wire colour for constant power.

I am hoping to get it back tomorrow.
Thanks for that Dave i have to pull the dash apart again to fit a uhf in there
looking forward to that
No worries.

As far as I know, all D22's have the same wiring for the stereo. Its what Nissan used in the 90's.
^ Showing your age Krafty with that term.

Mate I get the bullbar back next thursday.

Ill have it put on friday arvo.
Just keeping up with D22 technology :ha:

Good news on the bullbar, you'll go back to driving at 150kph and finishing work 20 mins after you start.
I miss Saturday's off but we can't have everything, although today I am happily avoiding fixing the tractor, no idea what they have done to it but I played the injured card because I couldn't be stuffed going out there and now I'm catching up on work I missed this week.