Tinted windows and insurance claims

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Dec 9, 2009
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I have an appointment with AAMI to assess some damage to my rig that I am classed as not my fault.
I have dark window tint and wanted to know if anyone has been rejected a claim due to this?:suicide2:

Ideally I dont wanto rip my tint off as I doubt ill find matching tint to redo the windows as they guy that did it is no longer in the area or state for that matter.
Is the tint legal? there is a difference between dark and too dark to be legal.

But it will come down to the damage and what caused it. if they can prove you couldn't see out the window and you hit something maybe they will do something but if the claim has no bearing on the tinting then I doubt they will worry. But each assessor is different.
Doubt they will care if not your fault as they will seek compensation from the other driver/insurance.
I just put mine in for a claim with a couple of illegal mods and had it approved no problem. They obviously didn't contribute to the damage though.
Just wind your front windows down when they are there. Being a truck the back window can be as dark as you like and side windows fairly dark. Well thats in the tight rules in the ACT anyway
I was thinking of doing that but I wasnt sure if there clued onto it and ask me to wind them up too check them out.
We all know insurance companies if they can get away with it they WILL
some dick in a commodore swiped my bullbar it did near nothing to my rig but the bar needs replacing as it cant be fixed did a good job of the commo peeled his side like a can opener BAHAHAH thattl teach him to have some patience
I thought about putting my damaged bullbar through insurance.

But I can get it repaired and powdercoated for the same price as the excess.
im getting mine replaced and colour coded the bumper cleaned up get rid of that dirty rubber edging and the winch control box installed under the bonnet..... well if it fits there..
And if all goes well ill keep my old bar and sell it again :D
the damage is barely noticeable drivers side is pushed up about 20mm and had a slight creece enough to write the bar off but not too bad not to buy for the right price!!
Doesnt take much to write anything off these days
i had similar on my 4Runner. A slight hit from the side and the bar was toast. A hit from the front is fine but they arent so strong from side impacts