Wet D40 key fob

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Jan 26, 2013
Reaction score
Northern Rivers, New South Wales
Hello All,

Had a drive down to Yamba at the weekend and went for a swim in the Angourie pools, jumped off the 60 foot cliff was swimming back to the edge and felt nav key in my boardies pocket, was the longest walk back to the car ever wondering if it would open the car and start the old girl up........ it did!! think it would of been a different story if it had been salt water.

Didn't fancy the 2.5 hour trip back for the spare!!

Has any one else ever got their key wet and were you as lucky as i felt i was??

Happy christmas & new year to all on the forum.
Not quite but it could have been ugly.

A few months back we hired a 3 man canoe at Lawn Hill Gorge with the tin lid in front, wifie in the middle and me at the back.

Going through some very gentle "rapids" we went off course and into the pandanus. The Tin lid was short enough to duck but wifie wasn't and lent over so much she upended the canoe.

Thank goodness the bloke hiring the canoe suggested that we put the keys and camera in a plastic jar.

We managed to go off course on the way back as well. Using the paddle from my spot at the back of the canoe, I did manage to push us away from the worst or the pandanus but not without breaking the end off the paddle.

For the next few days we were famous.

Oh and Merry Christmas from me as well.
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Mate, open it up, remove the battery, and give the electronics a good spray with WD40, an electrical cleaning product or similar.

Leaving the salt on there could cause failure in the future.

Once clean though, should live a long and healthy life :)
Just opened it up now and it's spotless inside doesn't look like its ever had a drop in there that seal round the edge must do a good job, just hope i have put it back together with the seal as good as it was for incase i'm a nimrod and decide to ever go swimming with it in my pocket again!

Oh and Joe that sounds like a close one, i cam imagine the words to the wife if they hadn't been in a jar!

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