White Tailed Spider

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Feb 22, 2009
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Hi all

Got bitten by a white tailed spider last Sunday night in bed.

Surgery and three days in hospital I am now undergoing recovery. I can confirm that you should avoid getting bitten by a white tailed spider!

Bad news Gus, I know the feeling though, they aren't a good spider to play with, some people have a worse reaction to white tails than redbacks, thankfully though I wasn't one of them. We've seen quite a few down this way and are happy to share with anyone who hasn't experienced them.
I have had them take over my house. I was killing about 3/4 every day over a summer, then had to spray the roof space to gett rid of the nasty buggers.

athey are real bastards, they even jump at you from the roof when you walk under them...

But i know a spider that kills and eats them......

she is delicious and I hope he was.

Its the beastly DADDY LONG LEGS...what a legend spider..

I have witnessed this marvel in my own bedroom spiderweb on the cieling corner.

Go Daddy!!!!
I got bitten up near my armpit. Within 24 hours the infection had consumed half my upper arm and by the time I got to hospital (48 hours) my entire upper right arm was full of poison.

Surgery needed to cut out the source of infection. Left with a sizeable hole in my arm.

Anyway all good now.
Hi all

Got bitten by a white tailed spider last Sunday night in bed.

Surgery and three days in hospital I am now undergoing recovery. I can confirm that you should avoid getting bitten by a white tailed spider!


Good to hear all is ok...they are nasty.

Post some pics.

heres my dealings with the little creatures in my house, though lucky no hospital... just lots of drugs..


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Holy shit, glad you are ok Gus.

Is this a Vic spider? If it is you can keep em!
Actually the spider was a Canberra local!! I was in a hotel in Canberra when it bit me. I flew back to Adelaide as the GP I saw in Canberra was unsure what to do.
Is this a Vic spider?

They seem to be a relatively new inclusion here in vic, last 10-15 years as I recall they weren't prevalent when i was in my teens & 20's.

Apparently they are native's and found in northern states also.
How big are these things? I guess they have a white tail given the name, I don't know anything about them. Probably a good idea to find out seeing as I have a 4month old baby.

Hope you pull through ok
How big are these things? I guess they have a white tail given the name, I don't know anything about them. Probably a good idea to find out seeing as I have a 4month old baby.

up to the size of a 2 bob coin for a large specimen legs spread.
long type body.
They hang out in your clothes, towels, in your bed, walls, floors ceilings,etc,
no webs, they are active hunters.


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Nasty bloody things,the hot weather seems to bring them out around here.
I haven't been bitten but i always check the bed before i get in and shake out clothes,towels etc.
It's true what was posted about daddy long legs,they also get rid of red backs as well.
Gezus! I knew they were nasty, but that sounds like a painful ordeal alright. Did you see it after? How did you know it was a white tip?

Daddy long legs are nice to have around if they keep these little buggers away, they keep the red backs numbers down too.

Glad your on the mend now mate, it's not a good way to start your year. Almost time for that trip to Peake!
fk me ay! that sounds like some worrying and scary shit right there!

never heard or seen them in WA, hope they stay the fk out too!

hope you recover quick and well, sounds like a shit experience... at least IF there is a next time it shouldnt be as bad since your body has built up a slight immunity to it now. i think? keyword 'slight'
I didn't feel the bite as such, but knew I was trouble within two hours of becoming aware of it.

All good now.
my daughter was bitten by one and a year later on the "aniversary" of the bite,she gets some mild symptoms again....true
I have had them take over my house. I was killing about 3/4 every day over a summer, then had to spray the roof space to gett rid of the nasty buggers.

athey are real bastards, they even jump at you from the roof when you walk under them...

But i know a spider that kills and eats them......

she is delicious and I hope he was.

Its the beastly DADDY LONG LEGS...what a legend spider..

I have witnessed this marvel in my own bedroom spiderweb on the cieling corner.

Go Daddy!!!!

Fark, I just had to quote it all again it is so brilliant. I thought I was the only nutter who liked spiders around the place. We both love having a resident spider inside, although ours are huntsman. We have also had them resident in past vehicles. bit unnerving when they walked overhead in the Nikki.

The only spider we actively discourage must be a cousin of the white tails, (all black bum). It is another hunting spider and tends to frequent the windows. Wavy fibro walls means lot of hidey-holes.

My understanding is that it isn't the white tailed itself that is to blame for the flesh rot, but a bacteria they carry around on their fangs(like Komodo dragons) and that other spiders can have it as well.