You know you're Aussie when.

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You know your an Aussie when you don't have to ask how to install a Heater in your D40:happy_smile:.............:sorry3:...................:offtopic3:.......:rofl2:
Seeing as this is rapidly turning into the anti-muslim thread, here's a photo of me eating a pig on spit & obviously consuming large quantities of alcohol!


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The following are results from an OZ-words Competition where entrants
were asked to take an Australian word, alter it by one letter only,
and supply a witty definition.

Clearly, you need to be an Aussie
To understand.

To make passionate love beside a waterhole

A partner who doesn't work, but is kept As a pet

A fake indigenous artefact

Fair drinkum:
Good-quality Aussie wine

A cat that has been run over by a vehicle

All your flat mate's belongings, lying strewn around the floor

An unemployed male, roaming theAustralian bush in search
of sexual activity

The unintelligible language of Australian Freshwater crustaceans

A pretentious drongo, who reckons he's Above average when it comes
to handling himself in the scrub

'hipster' tracksuit pants.

And for the Kiwi's amongst us:
A particularly attractive Naked sheep
A girl from my area was spat one by a couple Muslims and had her Aussie flag torn to shreds about half hour ago. Outside a mcdonolds.

That's the sort of thing that will start a race war. Both in here, and out on the streets.

As if the cops in Sydney didn't already have their hands full with drive-by shootings, this sort of shit is just going to up the ante.

I couldn't say I blame the Aussies either. If the muslims don't like the friggin' country or the people in it, why bloody come here in the first place?

Don't forget, people, if you don't want a mosque somewhere, bury a pig in the ground.
Geez so much for me being a good post whore, a topic like this and I'm yet to add anything too it. I'm definitely slipping I'll have to think of something in case Dave is staying around for an extended time :ha:
Ypu know youre austryian when You know that none of us actually drink Fosters beer, because it tastes like shit. But we let the world think we do. Because we can.
Or when We know that the Metric system will always be better than anything inches, feet, pounds and fahrenheit will ever offer.

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