2004 nav st-r d22 - blower fan question.

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Sep 15, 2010
Reaction score
Albury NSW
G'day all.

I am going down to Melbourne from Albury tomorrow to have a look and hopefully buy a 04 Navara, from pics and what the bloke has told me it is in pretty good condition all over, with only 110k on the clock.
The only thing he said was wrong with it, was that the blower/fan (fan for heat/cooling in cab) does not work at all, apparantly on any speed. He said he has bought a new fan and its sitting in the car, just needs to be put in.

Now he has said he will go with me tomorrow to an auto elec and get it fixed before i buy it but i really dont have the time to wait around for something that could be a full days work, So I'm looking to have a fair idea of the value it is going to cost me to fix it back home, and then discount that off the price.

I've rang around today, and from what i gathered, its a 4-6hr job to swap the fan, as half the dash needs to come out, along with the heater box etc. At $100 - $120 ish an hr from Nissan i'm working on around $700-$800.

I've also got a mate, who had the fan replaced in his patrol, which costed him $1400 including fan.

I'm planning to go down with the multimeter and have a bit of a play around to make sure it is infact the faulty fan and not a fuse or a wiring issue. But if worst come to worst like I'm expecting ill bring it home and have it fixed up here.

What do you boys reckon? Has anyone had a similar issue with their fan?

Thanks, Dan.
Have heard of it GQ's but not a Navara but anythings possible.

Id get him to knock $700 off the price and install it yourself.

Shouldn't be to hard.

I have had mine out and back in, in about 10 minutes to clear out leaves that had come in through the cowl pannel, It is quite easy, from memory pull out the glove box stick your arm around and undo the unit and slip it out. If you can knock a few hundred off the price and with the new fan included then you are laughing.

I ended up buying it. Luckily he had got it fixed the day before i went down, worked in well.
