Can This Snorkel Be Fitted?

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Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
Flinders Ranges
Hi gurus.

So I bought a Safari snorkel for my '08 King Cab off eBay. Ordered the correct part number (SS735HF) and the one they sent me is for the Dual Cab (SS730HF). Cheeky buggers just turned the '0' into a '5' on the box with a black texta, however the part number is moulded onto the snorkel itself so there is no mistaking the ballz-up.

Is there any chance it can be fitted? The missus and I are off on a trip next week for a 6 week adventure and we're gonna be left high 'n dry without a fitted snorkel.

Yes, eBay lesson learned.
I fitted a second hand d40 snorkle to my king cab...not sure what it came off...but it up some pics and i can see if it matches mine.
I dont see why not. The front guard and roof pillar are the same arent they? As long as you got the correct one for your engine :)
I thought there were only minor differences between the dual cab (typically a Spanish build) and the king cab (always a Thai build). The snorkel - to my knowledge - is the same for both, as they both run the same air box and guards except for the indicator light which is in the guard for the KC and in the mirror on the DC.
My thanks for the replies, fellers.

I managed to get the seller on the blower and he assured me that the external snorkel will fit. The internal piping is different between the DC and KC and he tells me that the included internals are for the KC. I'm about to find out today....

Apparently this is why I was able to buy it at a bargain price. Tsk, tsk.