credit card fraud

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happy john

Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Brisbane Northside
As per the title we use a basic c/card with a small limit so as to not carry cash. The wife got a call on her personal mobile requesting personal details she told them to go away as they could not say where they were from.

Calling into our local branch we discovered 3 transactions were declined on our card from the uk mostly to parcel post addresses the question is how did they get the card number i recken the call was a bait to get the 3 numbers from the back of the card.

What i cannot fathom is how they got her personal number we it's not advertised going into the statements i found a dodgy takeaway in the city (Brisbane) all the rest were your usual kmart ect i think the asian takeaway have skimed the card as it all started a few days later and they did get a small amount that has been credited back.

Any idea's how this has happened?.


We don't use this card for any online shopping
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as a career banker i would suggest that if your suspect it was an inside job by the bank because they had your phone number, ring the banks fraud department and explain the situation. they can then trace whoever has looked at your account details and investigate further.
having said this, id say its more likely your wife has used the card with a dodgy staff member at a shop who may happen to have her contact details.
I'd back up nao. There are a lot easier ways for staff to pinch money from a bank than by credit card fraud.
I had my card taken last march ( one hell of a bday present)
500 was taken in varing amounts all with telstra prepaid recharges,
when i queried them about the charges and they acknowledged i have no prepaid lines they connected me with my banks fraud dept straight away and within 2 weeks it was back in my bank...

new cards and only use pay pal online now.
Back ten years ago my Cc was used 3 times in 12 minutes online gambling.
At the time I had no computer or knowledge of how to bet online.
They got $1,200 so the Commonwealth bank investigated it.
Found nothing, gave me my money back and a new card number.
No way to know how they got it.
Oh, they said they would recoupe the $ from the online merchant as it is there responsibility to gain proof of ID.
Your wife's phone number could have been picked up in a pile of places including a major security breech at the card providers computer or a breech on the computer at any place she has used the card and provided the telephone number for any reason. Too many places store all this sort of stuff in low security systems. Employing capable IT staff isn't in the game plan of many businesses and until it makes the news, most of them don't have clue that they have been milked for data sales to fraudsters.
Nah, mate you drive a 22 because you're a real bloke who doesn't need bells and whistles to keep him entertained!!
Never a truer word said mate i hate all the crap in cars these days and if we update it will be the wife's dualis the 22 will stay for work and real offroad most modern rigs now ARE hopeless my hardcore days are over but i like to push it tired of pulling out hopeless drivers and their 50k+ rigs with no clearance
Nah, mate you drive a 22 because you're a real bloke who doesn't need bells and whistles to keep him entertained!!

yep I agree
give me 2 sticks to play with and ime a happy ian
all those lights and dials and switches I am easily distracted so usi:alcoholic:
Years ago when we used to use a pass book with your signature inside the front cover , and a ultra blue light was used to see it. My pass book was stolen out of my work bag on a construction site lunch room , I went straight to the bank and reported it stolen but already $2,000 was missing , they said they had security cameras in the bank and would be able to print off the pictures , I asked to see the photos but was refused as it breached privacy laws , That person could of been known to me on that building site but there privacy was more important than my money??
Years ago when we used to use a pass book with your signature inside the front cover , and a ultra blue light was used to see it. My pass book was stolen out of my work bag on a construction site lunch room , I went straight to the bank and reported it stolen but already $2,000 was missing , they said they had security cameras in the bank and would be able to print off the pictures , I asked to see the photos but was refused as it breached privacy laws , That person could of been known to me on that building site but there privacy was more important than my money??

police would have investigated it, why didn't you go that avenue ??
Mate I never heard a thing ,only that the money was returned some six weeks latter, No one rang me to ask any questions ,All I did was fill in a claim form .

cool, in this case the bank would have reported it to the police..

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