Sunk ZD30! Tips?

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Jun 20, 2011
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Hey guys and gals,

Went to my local spot this arvo to check out a few trucks, on the way out I had one of three "puddles" to go thru to get back to the main road.

Long story short; sunk the Navara. Water went up over the bonet and into the filter. The truck coughed and sputtered then stalled. I didn't think anything of it so I tried to start it again, would not turn over at all.

Once I got it out of the puddle, I took the glow plugs out and tried to kick it over to blow the water out with no result. Also put the car into gear with the hand brake off to free up which also did not work.

Seems to me like it has hydraulic locked but then again I don't know much about diesel engines! Could I have bent a rod when it locked up? Where to start? It does not crank at all..

It is a 2006 ZD30 with 100k on it. Doesn't have a snorkel either as i try to stay away from water crossings etc

I plan on pulling the head off tomorrow and see what damage has been done.
Anyone have advice on what to do before pulling the engine down?
No tips. But ouch! You seems quite calm. But I guess what's the point in stressing. What's done is done, time to move forward.
Sou da like hydraulic lock to me. Try finding yourself a second hand Zd30 o guess..
No tips. But ouch! You seems quite calm. But I guess what's the point in stressing. What's done is done, time to move forward.
Sou da like hydraulic lock to me. Try finding yourself a second hand Zd30 o guess..

x2 shouldnt have tried to start it untill youd got heasters out mightve been ok
Yeah no point stressing, did that but didn't help so it's time to move forward and fix it. It is just a learning curve haha

Water came up to the arm rest in the car also so it wil be fun drying that out and getting the smell of dirty water out..
No good at all!!
Are you insured??? If so get on the phone and let them take care of it. I think they will write it off, if the water was that high you would of wet the ecu and a heap of other electrics not to mention the engine. When my 22 went under they said they don't bother trying to repair them as they are more trouble then the car is worth
If that deep you may have one of two things. First is that all electrics crapped it it just before the engine swallowed any water, meaning electronics rooted, but good engine. Otherwise i would say engine hydraulic, as well as probably rooted electronics, which means ouchies in the hip pocket.
Sounds like an Insurance job to me... Will Insurance pay out on an 'offroad adventure' though ? If its a Registered road etc Im guessing they would but Private property etc Im guessing not?

Anyone in this field with the In's and Out's??
Sounds like an Insurance job to me... Will Insurance pay out on an 'offroad adventure' though ? If its a Registered road etc Im guessing they would but Private property etc Im guessing not?

Anyone in this field with the In's and Out's??

Dont "ALL" these types of accidents happen on listed roads. Well at least thats what i would be saying
Well yes it is classified as a listed road... Hmm I will weight up my options but insurance sounds like a better option at this stage..
Save you a pretty Penny..
If not Ill buy Your Lokka Muddies Chip and FMIC ;) haha
Insurance jobs depend on company. I through the question out when getting insurance for the nav if im covered for off road use anywhere cause I wanted to do touring and stuff. I was told yes I was and that is with racq. Not sure on what other policies would say.
maybe a snorkle on the next nav ???????????????????????????????????????????
Alright I have got the ball rolling with insurance, they think it will be a write off but have to wait until Wednesday. Haha yeah if I get it back I will strip it out and sell it..

Maybe start a comp truck project but see what the insurance company says first..