Turbo Conversion

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Thanks for the pictures, out of interest why did you run the water line near the manifold under it then back over, thought it would have been easier to just go over the engine cover?

Hmm 400 to a tank! That seems pretty bad, and you were getting that beforehand?

yeah I thought the same about the shielding, I thought the dump pipe temperature shouldnt be too much more than mine currently is and there isnt any shielding there.

Can you remmber what the fittings were for the oil feed and return into the block?
I was trying to keep it away from the exhaust manifold. Looking back it is not the best way but it does the job and doesn't bother me.

I agree that 400km is bad but then I do drive her hard, I need to go and get it tuned lower.
Before the turbo I was getting about 550km per tanks and about 700km after the turbo but before the tune. I would like to get back to 550km.

If you were to use the boost compensator it should keep it around the same as you are getting.

As for the fittings, the return is a 3/8 BSP and the feed is a 1/8 BSP. Ohh and make sure you used loctite or the likes, it is a huge help. I found that out after one of the bolts that holds the turbo to the manifold came a little loose and I had a slight exhaust leak.
Sweet, getting excited about doing this now, all looks fairly straightforward now you did all the hardwork :)

Did you end up getting yours dynod? Be interesting to compare the two solutions to see how different they are
I never did end up getting a dyno but I can tell it pulls a lot harder. I had my turbo set up to get going at low rpm and and it tops its boost (15psi) at about 2700rpm when I am really up it.
Hmm that's reminds me I need to get my tacho fixed haha.

Do you think it is safe to tap a port into the manifold for an EGT sensor? Presumably I can just get a boost sensor to fit the connector I put between the Turbo and the manifold. What gauges did you end up getting?

Also I notice you did the 80 series air box mod. Did you think that was worth doing over stock?
The 80 series box is definitely worth doing. I have tried several different air boxes since and still can't find on that comes close, now I have more room under the bonnet I will be grabbing a new one. I sold me last on to LJacko

I think it would be better to fit the EGT probe in the manifold that the dump pipe. Check out what Unk0wn has done with his on the TD27T he has, http://www.navara.asia/showthread.php?t=7258&page=4, I would imagine your manifold would be the same so you could do the same thing. You can see where I put mine and it works quite well if you keep in mind it is post turbo heat.

The gauges I got were cheap ebay ones, I am happy with the boost one but it has a slight twitch between 7 and 8 psi. The EGT one is crap, I have to have the cup around it half loose to keep from having to much pressure on it so the motor can work.

Ohh and the taco was the first thing I fixed on mine, it was dodgy and would drop in and out, found it was the connection right above the alternator. That was the reason I found this great forum haha.
Here is a picture of the connector and the 80 series box before I turbo'd the engine. Check to see if that is the problem on the taco.
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Yeah that looks like a great place to monitor the EGT. manifold is the same so should be all good. Looking at the turbine outlet makes you want to clean the exhaust crap off of it. Surely that cant make for efficient airflow!

My tacho doesnt work at all, just sits at zero all day. Looked up the wiring diagram in the service manual and got lost, electrical diagrams arent really my cup of tea haha.

Ill scrounge around for an 80 series airbox as i may as well do it all at the same time. havent got a snorkel yet either so thats another thing on the wish list :)

I was looking at a boost and EGT gauge from here
Do they seem any good, sensors are also not my thing ;)
Found the tacho issue, thanks mate! One of the wires is broken off just before the plug.

Though the broken wire is too short to solder to so I probably need to replace the plug. Is this something I can just pick up form Jaycar? Dont know alot about automotive plugs

Also found that there is another plug right next to it which is hanging free that came from the same wire loom. Ive shown the picture below. Any idea what this one does? Seems to work fine without it lol



Also Ive been thinking about the water coolant source and I was wondering if this was bolt on the thermostat is the appropriate place to tap into given that this seems to be where the td27 draws its cooling water from?

Not sure about the coolent line, check the service manual.

As for the plug, a auto electrician should be able to get you the correct plug.
Yeah looking in the manual it would appear that that bolt goes through into the block so its probably no good.

Looks like ill end up doing what Bvandermaat did.

On another note Bvandermaat my ute looks exactly like yours but red, same barwork and everything :)
Haha nice, stick a picture up when you get a chance. I don't know about that bolt but I would imagine I didn't use it for a reason. I had an idea that that area is different on the TD27.

As for the tacho wire I think that must be a common QD32 problem. If you push back the cover around those wires you should be able to fit a bit of heat shrink over and solder the join and push the heat shrink up and seal it. Then you have all the wire you need. Just grab a 2 pin connector from Autobarn or Jaycar (preferably waterproof) and crimp the wires in.

As for the gauges they look decent but I would not have the greatest idea about them. the sensors all look to be the usual kind.

I believe there is the same plug hanging loose on mine, might be for an extra of some kind that was never added.
Yeah it was the wire on the the plug end that was bothering me, more than happy to solder stuff, id rather not buy another plug as that is perfectly functional :)

Can you buy the same connector from jaycar? Or do mean put a completely new one on ,ie cut both connectors off and replace them?

Ive put up a picture in the garage, the resemblance is uncanny ;)

Edit: I just noticed that Jaycar have a waterproof plug and socket for 8 bucks which is much better than what people were trying to flog for the same connector online. Ill just replace them both
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I meant buying a new plug. You might be able to get away with some heat shrink and a bit of solder on that cut wire but at $8 you may as well do a new plug.

You are right about the resemblance, I just need a back bar like yours and it would be near the same. Nice looking ute by the way haha
Why thank you ;) yours isnt too bad either

Ok onto more questions, the guy shipped the filter housing with it as well which appears to be where the oil feed is located with the banjo bolt shown loose in the centre of the photo below. There is a bolt to the right of this which appears to be missing but I am assuming that this was not connected to anything. DIfferent to mine is the connecting pipe on the left that runs from the top to the middle.


I presume I can just bolt this filter housing onto mine as a direct replacement and everything will be sweet. The problem I having is where the return line should go as it is a giant pipe with a massive threaded fitting on the end shown here.....


The next question is I presume this is pipe is the EGR pipe?

The dude gave it to me along with the intake from the terrano, im guessing this all just superfluous crap that I dont need haha :) I plan to weld up the port that it connects to like Unkn0wn did here and mount the EGT probe http://www.navara.asia/showpost.php?p=105215&postcount=36 Thanks Bvandermaat :)
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Finally there was this fitting here which appears to be associated with the water cooling lines. Any idea where I might be able to fit that?

1: You should be able to transfer that banjo bolt setup onto your QD32, no idea what the second part is for

2: It should line up with something near the block, if not get the right fitting and cut that pipe a bit shorter and use some oil hose to join from the block to it.

3: Yeah that looks like the EGR for the TD27T

4: No idea.

Hope that helps.
Went and had a chat to a couple of places regarding the water setup I would need, they seem to reckon that I would need something other than rubber hose, what sort of hose did you use and have had you had any issues yet with damage due to the temperature of the turbo?

Have bought both of my gauges now so getting pretty close to starting to pull the girl apart. Yet to figure out how im going to plumb in the boost line but that shouldnt be too difficult I imagine.
I used high temperature rubber hose. I cannot remember what it is rated to but it is the same that I run the oil return through. No problems yet. But then I have the exhaust side tucked away under a "turbo blanket" which absorbs most of the heat.

As for the boost line I just ran a brass T piece between the turbo and actuator.
Any chance of a pic showing how you put your Turbo blanket in and where you got it from? Do you think the stock heat shields I was given should be sufficient?

When you say actuator what do you mean? Waste gate actuator?

Starting to think about what consumables I'll need now. Figure I'll replace the manifold studs, any idea where I can get them from, a Nissan dealer I suppose. Should I be replacing all the gaskets while I'm at it or should the ones that were in there originally be fine?

Presumably the loctite you used was the number specified in the denco install manual?
Alright finally about to kick this project off. Prepare for a barrage of photos haha.

Quick question regarding the gaskets, do I need to apply any sort of sealant or is the metal gasket I was given sufficient? I haven't seen mention anywhere of needing to supply any silicone etc.....