Why is there always 1 special person where we work

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Oct 15, 2008
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Canberra have pity !!!!!
I work for one of the largest IT companies in the country and work on a government site. We work in with public servants as well as other IT related teams and companies. There is this one bitch who seems to go out of her way to upset as many as she can. She effectively is the governments rep that looks after our side of the work. She is by no means competent in her work and asks for ridiculous things to be done. She goes to meetings and pisses everyone off with her stupid requests.
Today she came up with new ways to piss us off. We are now to ask her for permission to have team meetings. These meetings are for our team leaders to tell us the state of the contract and just general updates on who is who in the goo.
Now another new wrinkle. We all sit in desk pods in groups of 4 . Hard to describe but anyway I am the 1 contractor sitting in a pod of 3 other public servants.
Today I was told I would have to move desks to a different area and her complaint was I talk to much. Now yes I have the gift of the gab however with noone else in the area from my team I pretty much stay to myself and mind my own business. When people come to my desk I talk to them and sometimes its even about work but thats not the norm.
Now the more I think about it the more pissed off I feel. I am taking it personally .At the end of the day she just wanted an excuse to have me moved out so she could move in yet another of her people into that desk.
Our local managers just seem to be bending to her wishes so I have put a call into a higher boss whom I have known and worked for for almost 15 years and will let him know how I feel.
Farking Fat Biatch.No wonder she is single

rant over
Going to let my management play with this one but will be pushing for a formal complaint to the Public service Board. Will be the third I believe made against her .Being a public servant she seems to think she can treat us contracting staff( we are all full time but our company contracts to this department) like crap and no-one will do anything.
Hmm, do all these requests come in writing?
When I was a public servant, in IT, I made sure all requests came in writing(email). Amazing how many didn't turn up.

The legit reason is that it makes sure that I know exactly what is required, apart from being procedure where money/assets are concerned. Also covers your arse if ever you are accused of not doing what is required.

The real reason was that some were not exactly legit or called for in the projects I was working on.

BOB sounds like someone way out of her depth and trying to cover her arse. Make sure your complaint is about specific areas of BS, incompetence. etc rather than just bitching about her.
Well the company I work for is taking the full on rubber backbone approach ."We cant really do much as they are the client" etc etc blah blah blah.
I just said "no worries she will be the first person I speak to when I quit " and just walked away.
Stunned silence followed and noone was game to say anything after that.
I think they got the message
Canberra, stupid ideas and no idea on what she is doing.

Julia Gillard ?

God I love working by myself and having team leaders that dont ring me, well every 3 months I might hear from them.
This is exactly why me and my mate started our own business , incompetent fuckwits are everywhere, and the worst kind are the ones that think they know better.

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