Anonymous shutting down Government!

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Dec 1, 2011
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Well I'm sure some of the guys here who like their free movie's and music have heard of the take down of a popular site thanks and conjunction with FBI.

Now our friend Anonymous has stood up and started attacking the officials and isn't afraid to speak up this guy is awesome and I praise his achievements. Wish him the best of luck and hope he doesn't get caught.
I don't know about you gunning, but I work hard for the money I get! If some lazy fucker came along and illegally syphoned off funds from my business and put me out of work I reckon I'd be more than pissed off. The thief got caught, now another criminal is wreaking havoc because he doesn't like it. Just saying it like it is!
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Actually, I've heard it around the web that the "anonymous" takedown of megaupload and the US government sites, is actually an elaborate hoax by the American government itself. I can't remember the exact thought process behind this reasoning, but it was pretty convincing.

Either way, the sooner the great war machine known as the Good ol' Uuuniiiited States of Ameeerica self district, the safer the world will be. Maybe.

I pity our grandchildren.
I don't know about you gunning, but I work hard for the money I get! If some fat lazy fucker came along and illegally syphoned off funds from my business and put me out of work I reckon I'd be more than pissed off. The thief got caught, now another criminal is wreaking havoc because he doesn't like it. Just saying it like it is!

I agree.I wonder how much money artists have lost because of that site.
navarian said:
I agree.I wonder how much money artists have lost because of that site.

In the grand scheme of things? Not as much as you'd think. And artists don't lose anything, the record labels are the ones losing money. AFAIK, artists get paid on a per-album basis, not royalty based (unless used in commercial media)
Anonymous are more concerned with the US's proposed SOPA and PIPA legislation. Now don't get me wrong, although a lot of people download content illegally, the proposed legislation is beyond overkill and will essentially gave the yanks control over the internet.

Under the bill, the yanks want to have the power to block (by removing DNS entries) sites that contain any copyrighted material on them. This could go as far as a video clip on a personal website of your child singing a pop song with it playing in the background, being deemed as "a copyright infringement". All the media companies would have to do is flag the site, and without going through a judge or court system, ISPs would be forced to remove your site from their DNS servers, until you can prove your site wasn't in fact breeching any copyright.

Some other big names have got behind the movement to stop the SOPA and PIPA legislation, you may of read about Wikipedia blacking out for 24 hours in protest?

I tend to agree with Anonymous' stance on this one, the Internet is not a physical item for one country/person to own.
I only download tv shows that I have missed, movies Id rather buy them on blueray.

To many virus's out there.

Oh and if the companies wanna make money, price things better and people will pay.
The gimmie, gimmie set will winge about this the loudest.

Go down the video shop and rent the bloody movie. How much is that going cost, $5 tops.
How many movies do we have time to watch.
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I do find it funny how quickly people on internet forums jump on the "no censorship, no banning illegal downloading, everything should be free" bandwagon yet the same people would scream blue murder if some bastard broke into their house and stole all their belongings, or even worse hacked into their bank accounts and stole all the money.

Sure the big corporations (record labels, movie studios etc) could drop their prices and make things more affordable which would result in more sales but as tappet says the gimmie gimmie set will always cry about it.
Well I'm sure some of the guys here who like their free movie's and music have heard of the take down of a popular site thanks and conjunction with FBI.
Technically Megaupload was a cloud computing site, like a few other sites. Some people used it for legitimate purposes like techers and students. Other people used it for copyright violation. Undoubtedly it is also being used for criminal activities.

what the silly meat heads at Megauploads did was look to closely at exactly what their customers were storing on their site, decide the copyright sharing was good business and talk/email about how they could protect this part of the business. Bad move, leaving records showing that you were assisting in this activity. Before they did this, they would have probably enjoyed the protection that every isp is trying to keep intact; "we are not policeman".

Of course, the fact that they were rolling in money, meant they were definitely going to be targetted by the movie/music industry.

Edit; The fall out is that all the legitimate users have suddenly lost access to their data with no current chance of gettingit back.

2nd edit; The Register has a less generous take on Megaupload

Now our friend Anonymous has stood up and started attacking the officials and isn't afraid to speak up this guy is awesome and I praise his achievements. Wish him the best of luck and hope he doesn't get caught.

AFAIK, anonymous isn't one person, but a haphazard collection of people acting with a common purpose.
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I do find it funny how quickly people on internet forums jump on the "no censorship, no banning illegal downloading, everything should be free" bandwagon yet the same people would scream blue murder if some bastard broke into their house and stole all their belongings, or even worse hacked into their bank accounts and stole all the money.

Score a 0 on that line of argument. some one who steals goods from your house is taking the items away from you and you no longer have them.

Copyright sharing as sharing a COPY. You still have the original material and can continue to use, distribute and sell it.

The argument rages about whether these move/music types really lose any income. The movie/music type have been making fantastic claims of their losses for a decade, but their figures do not stand up to scrutiny.

There have been case examples where releasing free copies online have driven sales.
There is a difference between releasing something for free and having people steal it before you can sell it for a profit. Breaking into your house might not be exactly the same but either way you loose all you have worked for because someone steals something of yours, if that's fair then I'd hate to see unfair. I've been apart of "online" only music releases in the past and yes it can work but it should always be the choice of the artist not the guy at home with a computer and a hard on for taking everything for nothing.

If you invented a product that even 10% of the world wanted and someone came along before you released it and took the design and made it and gave it away for nothing would you be happy? Of course not so why should stealing someone's intellectual property of any kind be any different?
Go down the video shop and rent the bloody movie. How much is that going cost, $5 tops.
How many movies do we have time to watch.
5$? It's 7.95. And if it's not returned by 6pm the next day, it's an extra 4$.

It's funny, governments around the globe think they can control the internet. The internet is not their place. It is a global connection between everyone to freely share information, resources and community. There is no body of control. The internet just is. They're playing with fire, and sooner or later, they will get burnt. They simply have no idea what kind of mass havock hackers can cause.

And, just to clarify, Anonymous is not one person. We all, are anonymous.
There is a difference between releasing something for free and having people steal it before you can sell it for a profit.
See comment above

and yes it can work but it should always be the choice of the artist
Shrug I don't know of any artist who has been affected. Big companies claim they have been, but their figures have been shown to be totally false.

If you invented a product that even 10% of the world wanted and someone came along before you released it and took the design and made it and gave it away for nothing would you be happy? Of course not so why should stealing someone's intellectual property of any kind be any different?

Shrug, as someone who did stuff that they were always happy to share I basically don't care. As it is, the patents system has been totally screwed for decades and the USA has been screwing Australian inventors for years.

In any case, at one stage I thought copyright/IO protection was a good idea.
Then it became 125 years. WTF, that will totally stiffle everything.
No, the bastards can grab back anything that was in the public domain.
5$? It's 7.95. And if it's not returned by 6pm the next day, it's an extra 4$.

Lol, I was in the local library today and cruised past the movie section.
You get 7 days max and the fine is 50c/day.

Looking at some of the titles, I can pick them up at Sams, Bi-Lo and other places for $2. So I think that is a better option that borrowing from the library.

Recently purchased two on spec. Edgar Allen Poe was sheer crap and ejected it after 5 mins, but Motorhead was so woeful and predictable that I howled with laughter all the way through. The later is basically a modern Frankenstein/teen horror movie.

For $4, I had a night entertainment.
Shrug, as someone who did stuff that they were always happy to share I basically don't care. As it is, the patents system has been totally screwed for decades and the USA has been screwing Australian inventors for years./[/url]

So true. Look what happend with Apple and Samsung with their Galaxy 10.1 Tablet? Their entire patent system is screwed.

AFAIK, anonymous isn't one person, but a haphazard collection of people acting with a common purpose.

Spot on, Anonymous are a "legion" of people from all over the world.

I do find it funny how quickly people on internet forums jump on the "no censorship, no banning illegal downloading, everything should be free" bandwagon yet the same people would scream blue murder if some bastard broke into their house and stole all their belongings, or even worse hacked into their bank accounts and stole all the money.

There should be NO censorship of the internet. No one country owns the internet. I can gaurentee if internet censorship was ever bought into play, there would be workarounds released within 5 minutes.

Illegal downloading will always happen. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but the majoroty of people do it at some stage in our life. Everytime they crack down on one way, sombody else will find another way to get it out there. Torrents are now being activialy monitored, with media companies hiring organisations to sit in public trackers and monitor IPs of people sharing copyrighted materials. Even with this information, they can't force an ISP to act or release the information of the subscriber. We've all read about the iiNet case in the news not long ago.

The media companies need to find a different business model to suit today's age. What's with Australia being charged more than other countries for music and other albums?

Another point, if Australian TV stopped showing television shows 5-6 months after they have been released in the US, I reckon that would stop a huge chunk of "pirates" downloading TV shows. It's frustrating when our networks go week-for-week with the US's releases, and then all of a sudden just stop broadcasting the show for a few months.
Still a difference between censorship and stealing shit. Censorship is stopping people from seeing/doing/being something, stealing shit is taking something that is not yours. The internet may never stop either but they are still two different fights. Whether it always will happen or not stealing shit is wrong yet some how people seem to think if it's electronic it's fair game.

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