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Sorry Krankin I tried to keep your thread on topic but you know what this forum is like:suicide2:
not gonna happen..its called the "V8 Supercar Series" for a reason.

How about we put the GTR's and Mini's into the F1 and maybe monster trucks with the MotoGP
Now you're just being silly, Monster trucks would surely be better suited to F1 Racing.
1...fords suck shit
2...holden to win
3..hope young Kelly gets up for a win
4..fords suck shit
5..fords suck shit
Yeah Superior mate you need to make your thoughts a bit clearer so we all understand.
did Rick Kelly fall on a gear stick at some point? Still trying to figure out why he speaks like a girl?
actually he had testicular cancer in his early teens, and surgeons removed them....he used to have them in his trophy cabinet, though his wife keeps them on display on her bedside table now.

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