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Was killing time at the shops this morning while the missus went dress shopping (I already have my wedding dress) so I picked up a copy of 4wd Action with a free Custom Utes mag. Thought it was quite funny that in the entire mag dedicated to utes there was two write ups on Nav's one for a recommended 2nd hand buy and the other a readers ute and of the rest of the mag the only other vehicle with a Nissan badge was a 6.8lit Patrol with an extended body and added tray.

I do realise the addition of a tray sort of makes it a ute but still thought it rather ironic that the only Nissan vehicle to be featured in CUSTOMS UTES was not really a ute. But for anyone interested they give several Yota's a wonderful review...bet no one was expecting that.
Was killing time at the shops this morning while the missus went dress shopping (I already have my wedding dress) so I picked up a copy of 4wd Action with a free Custom Utes mag. Thought it was quite funny that in the entire mag dedicated to utes there was two write ups on Nav's one for a recommended 2nd hand buy and the other a readers ute and of the rest of the mag the only other vehicle with a Nissan badge was a 6.8lit Patrol with an extended body and added tray.

I do realise the addition of a tray sort of makes it a ute but still thought it rather ironic that the only Nissan vehicle to be featured in CUSTOMS UTES was not really a ute. But for anyone interested they give several Yota's a wonderful review...bet no one was expecting that.

Not really surprising.

What was the 6.8L engine ? A Chev Petrol or something.

Already got your wedding dress, I am sure your misses will love seeing you in drag again.
I think they said it was a Hummer engine, I can't remember I haven't read it all yet, if I wasn't bored at the time I might have thrown it away in disgust.

Figured someone would point out my "dress shopping" comment and make a rude comment, but then I realise we are the only two immature people on this forum :sarcastic:
Yeah and the cowboys in this case were the guys writing the stories :big_smile:

Mind you they did also do an article with a VW Wooly Jumper, STX-550 and a 79 series (4, 6 and 8 cylinders) where they did 300ks with 750kg on board and tested economy and despite being openly biased about the Yota from the start they did say they were pleasantly surprised with the VW and Nav's performance with both beat the Yota by atleast 3 lit per hundred.
I haven't bought the mag in like 2 years.

It would be a case of buying the mag in the same situation these days.

Should head to work me thinks.
I only buy it when I am bored and there is nothing else in the newsagents that takes my fancy. I'm on holidays so reading computer mags seems too much like work, 4wd mags on the other hand give me something to think about. Thinking leads to silly ideas I threw the idea at the missus that I might buy another 4B when we get home to build up into something (no idea what yet) and she thinks it's a good idea...trust me mentioning things like this after she's just paid $300 for a dress is a good idea.
Sick days dont exist. I just get double the workload the next day.

Mondays are busy enough.

For the other 4WD, do up a Rocky ute. They look like mini Landcruiser utes.
Nah I was thinking about staying with Nissans, it's only an idea at this stage I still need to figure out where to park it while it's being worked on and stuff but as much as I can pick up Yota's just about anywhere I was considering maybe seeing what all the fuss is about and getting an older model D22.
Nah I was thinking about staying with Nissans, it's only an idea at this stage I still need to figure out where to park it while it's being worked on and stuff but as much as I can pick up Yota's just about anywhere I was considering maybe seeing what all the fuss is about and getting an older model D22.

If you want to turn heads, put a tray on the back of a Micra. That'll probably be good for 2 scathingly sarcastic paragraphs on page 47 so they can then return to the normal TOYota advertisements.
They can keep their Yota ads, even if I do make something worth looking at I don't do magazine spreads.
Yeah and the cowboys in this case were the guys writing the stories :big_smile:

Mind you they did also do an article with a VW Wooly Jumper, STX-550 and a 79 series (4, 6 and 8 cylinders) where they did 300ks with 750kg on board and tested economy and despite being openly biased about the Yota from the start they did say they were pleasantly surprised with the VW and Nav's performance with both beat the Yota by atleast 3 lit per hundred.

Hey mate, that was me in the mag with the Black 550, it was a week old & I was happy with it then
Didn't see the article, did they plug my business as they promised to do?
What was apparent in that test was how shocking the D40 suspension was when loaded.
However, even though the Anorak was fractionally better on fuel, he had to constantly fish through the gears to keep the little VW going, I just sat back and cruised, in that situation my vehicle was FAR superior.
I considered the VW when I got my 550 but after that day out I left with a big smile knowing I had got the right vehicle
There was a pic and a brief blurb of the drivers but don't remember a business name, it might have been there but the only name I remember being there right now was the sand supplier, I did wonder if it was anyone here.

I wasn't overly surprised by the results especially not those of the VW and it's manual gearbox, common sense says such a small engine would need more gear changes just like it also states the V8 with all it's grunt wouldn't need as many.

As usual with these mags the write up wasn't long enough but the biggest surprise was just how well they rated the STX and the fact that it's fuel figures were so close to the VW. The 79 was so far off them it must have really made it hard for them to not praise the 79 more. Although they did get in at the end that the 79 would probably be more reliable in the long term (reading between the lines they seem to suggest it's the badge on the front that makes the longevity) and that even though new school diesels are coming of age the old school ones aren't dead. Overall it was better than I thought it would be but nothing overly surprising from Toyota Monthly.
What fuel figures did they get out of them ?

If Toyota charged a reasonable price for the 79 series, they'd sell a shit load more.

That body and chassis would owe Toyota nothing these days.
8.9 VW 9.2 (approx) 550 and 12.something for the 79.

I agree, and the point they make about the Yota being a real workhorse that has withstood the test of time is completely right but the price tag like just about everything Toyota just isn't justified.
I wouldn't exactly complain about 12L per 100km's in the 79 Series.

It is a V8 after all.

1HZ's weren't exactly the most efficient motor and they were a 6 cylinder.
I don't think they were complaining about the 12's from the 79 they were more complain that the VW and Nav beat it by so much with the same load on their backs.
You'd know from driving trucks, throw a few tonne behind them and see how they go.

The bigger cubic inch will do the job easier.

Unless its something like a NA TD42 or 1HZ. Then the YD25 will shit all over them.