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Getting better,

How about, BOAT = Break Out Another Thousand.

I love Dead Horse i'm addicted to the stuff.

I must say i was going like a cut cat today, flat out like a lizard drinking.

True dinks your not wrong ayy.

See ya round like a rissole.

Or See you down at the rissole for a cold bevvie.
I use these on a regular basis

As useless as a hip pocket on a singlet.

Useless as an ash tray on a motorbike.
A head like a: bulldog chewing a wasp/robber's dog/dropped pie/half eaten pastie.
Pissed as a newt/fart or crissed as a picket
Flat as a shitcarter's hat (a personal favourite)
Dry as a witch's tit (or a nun's nasty)
Dumb as a box of hammers, thick as a post
Fit as ten men, fit as a mallee bull, fit as a trout, any fitter I'd be twins.

Anyway, me old chinas, I'm off to drop a Henry! (See if you young'ens can work that out!)
"Two bagger." A face so ugly you need a bag for your head in case theirs comes off.

"Thick as two short planks." (was that done already?)

"If you can piss ya can paint." (often heard insult from builders to painters.)

Something that's not fitting correctly is like a "cock in a sock"
Mine's only a foot long, but Christ it's thick!

Another favourite to describe a woman of questionable morals: bangs like a dunny door in a wind storm.
I knew the "cock in a sock" would start some cock jockeying. All you blabber skytes would do well to remember it's not the size of your equipment but the number of job sites you've worked on that matters.
Doesn't matter how many job sites you've been on you'll never get called back unless you can use your tool properly.
Couldn't organise a bang in a brothel with a fistful of fifties. (Sounds like a certain federal gubbermint.)

Bloody cold, real brass monkey weather. Cold as a mother-in-law's kiss. Cold as Elvis.

I had a big tea - full as a fat lady's sock. Fuller than a state school's hat rack. But Jesus H Christ I was hungry, could have eaten the arse out a rag doll through a cane chair, eaten a horse and chased the jockey, eaten the arse out of a low flying duck.

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