Labor to win on September 14th.

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To say the GFC is over is nothing short of ignorant. If your talking about. Your personal drive from home to work and back, yeah sure the GFC is long gone. However if you look outside your own line of sight and this lucky country. The rest of the world will strongly disagree.

I'm sure Spain, Greece, Italy, USA would all agree with you and your assessment that it's long gone.

I believe this thread is about Australia, Australian Politics, Australian Government and.......Australians. I don't GAF about the North Atlantic problems or their governments when I said the NAFC was long gone in 2010 I meant as in the effects felt in Australia. I'm far from ignorant about it, If I didn't want to be here then I wouldn't be, I may be in one of those countries complaining about their state of affairs.

To say that Australia is the only developed country to escape recession during the NAFC is ignorant. Go do some research into it. China and Australia were the only countries able to achieve positive growth during the NAFC I believe.

I have no doubt the home insulation scheme saved hundreds of millions of dollars, just check electricity prices.

I'm not saying the current Liberal Party members are the best choice but unfortunately I think the opportunity to eject the Labor Party is more important at this point in time. This current government has the ability to do long term damage to this country if left to continue on their current destructive path.
Atleast when Abbott does **** all about rising power prices, **** all about rising water costs, **** all about health care he can just turn around and blame the previous government because plenty of people will believe him.
Atleast when Abbott does **** all about rising power prices, **** all about rising water costs, **** all about health care he can just turn around and blame the previous government because plenty of people will believe him.

Yeah that's what they all do.
Yeah but previous ones had a choice, they could have done something if they wanted to, Abbott wont have a choice, he's incapable of doing anything other than disagree.
History tells us that the outgoing Liberal Governments tend to leave the economy in a better condition than Labor Governments, hence one party has funds readily available to start their terms.
Doesn't change the fact that Abbot is incapable of doing the job.
All the polls are going to show is who is the most disliked person not who is capable of running the country.
Yep and why did Australia achieve positive growth during that time. Because a massive fisical stimulus. I would of hate seen the state of Affiars if the govement sat back behind your little white picket fence and said oh that's only them up there north of the equator. The fact is, the finacial markets of the world are intrinsically linked. As Glen Stephens said at the time, go fast, go hard, go households, it would been a very different situation without it. It's a fact that there would fo been heaps of tradies out of work especially around this area if it wasn't for school buildings program and thing is after it all finished there is somthing to show for it. If you think that Australia is somehow immune from such global financial turmoil you have a rather insular view. To link the home insulation scheme to your currnet power bill now shows little understanding.
We should be thanking the goverment and not constantly winging by how hard done by we are.
Don't worry I have done my research, we were the only OECD country to not to go into recession, which is defined by 3 quaters of negative growth. If I recall we had one 1/4 that was it.
History tells us that the outgoing Liberal Governments tend to leave the economy in a better condition than Labor Governments, hence one party has funds readily available to start their terms.
Is that so. Well I think the Keating goverment left things in good shape for Howard and co. All the hard restructuring work was done. Unemployment was going down, intrest rates going down, and debt massively reducing. The country was setup nicely for years to come. The only thing Howard and Costello done was change from a whoesale tax to a GST. That was it. Which didn't reduce tax infact it increased the take. The rest took care of itself.
All the polls are going to show is who is the most disliked person not who is capable of running the country.

Being that the polls are run by News LTD and Fairdax. They won't even show you that.

Ask 1000 a loaded question is hardly accurate. I suggest getting on twitter search #auspol and seeing how loved Abbott is after his **** up of an NBN policy. He is 0 from 1 in policy launches.
The rest took care of itself.

Which is suprisingly easy when you don't build a god dam thing.

Abbott is full of it.

He can't stop the boats. It's illegal.
He can't stop the carbon tax, the system is in place and it would blow his budget.
He can't stop the NBN fiber rollout. Contracts have been signed for 5+ years

He also, can't answer journo question, he just walks off
He can't speak in public unscripted.

He can however show up for a good PR stunt while real fires are being fought.
He can wear a high vis jacket.
He can also cower in fear during question Time while Bishop does his dog work.

He will increase your taxes,
He will sack public sector workers,
He will reintroduce workchoices,
He will ignore climate change,
He will slash education and ignore gonski report

Now i think about it, i should vote liberal. In love the taste of sh!t
Which is suprisingly easy when you don't build a god dam thing.

Abbott is full of it.

He can't stop the boats. It's illegal.
He can't stop the carbon tax, the system is in place and it would blow his budget.
He can't stop the NBN fiber rollout. Contracts have been signed for 5+ years

He also, can't answer journo question, he just walks off
He can't speak in public unscripted.

He can however show up for a good PR stunt while real fires are being fought.
He can wear a high vis jacket.
He can also cower in fear during question Time while Bishop does his dog work.

He will increase your taxes,
He will sack public sector workers,
He will reintroduce workchoices,
He will ignore climate change,
He will slash education and ignore gonski report

Now i think about it, i should vote liberal. In love the taste of sh!t

Bullshit !!!
Which is suprisingly easy when you don't build a god dam thing. The Coalition released a plan to build 100 dams. Maybe you have been out of the country.

Abbott is full of it.

He can't stop the boats. It's illegal.

Really ? Tell that too this Sri Lankan Dilpomat

Sri Lankan High Commissioner Thisara Samarasinghe

He can't stop the carbon tax, the system is in place and it would blow his budget.

You mean with all the rubbish "Green" schemes Labor and the Greens brought in. Like those Wind Turbines that were made in China (Surprised the Union's let that happen).

A Federal Government brought this rediculous TAX in. Why are you so sure the Coalition cant get rid of it ?

Just because you believe in this "Man Made Climate Change" rubbish and want a Carbon Tax, why should the majority get ignored because a few Hippies want it.

The Green's and the Labor party are about as tollerant as all these Sheikh's who shoot their mouths off every few weeks. (Anyone who doesn't agree with Labor and the Greens are instantly wrong. Well according too them.)

He can't stop the NBN fiber rollout. Contracts have been signed for 5+ years.

Good. I expected that anyway, get rid of the Union hacks and Lefties running the NBN Co and it might actually be rolled out on time and on budget. Selling Telstra destroyed it. Keating sold the Commonwealth Bank, hence why the Banks can now ignore the RBA on interest rate cuts.

He also, can't answer journo question, he just walks off.

He can't speak in public unscripted. Answered in the next post.

He can however show up for a good PR stunt while real fires are being fought.
He can wear a high vis jacket.

So you're rubbishing the man for getting out of the office and contributing to his community. Same with the life saving duties.

Whats Anthony Albanese do in his spare time ? Greg Combet, Kevin Rudd, Bill Shorten, Penny Wong, Wayne Swan, Joel Fitzgibbon and the biggest dick of all Craig Emerson etc. Where do they volunteer their time to help the community ?/B]

He can also cower in fear during question Time while Bishop does his dog work.

Maybe if Gillard stopped playing the gender card he mightn't be so careful. Gillard isn't hated because she's a woman, she's hated because she's a Union hack who doesn't give a shit about the average Joe. She's all for the minorities.

He will increase your taxes,

I expect that, with Labor's almost 300 Billion dollars of debt they have racked up. Where did it all go, besides paying for "Asylum seekers", you know those economic refugees. You know, the money your grand children willing be paying off.

He will sack public sector workers,

You mean those 20,000 extra staff Labor put on. I hope that moron Tim Flannery is the first to be sacked. Like all those "Climate Change" bureaucrats and all those panels Labor setup because they were to incompetent to make the tough decisions. Oh well, works for me.

Weren't the dam's never going to be full again. Those desal plants were a good investment by Labor.

He will reintroduce workchoices,

"Yawwwwnnnnnnn. Good, it will actually make people work harder instead of working hardest to avoid doing work.

You know, like how the Union's want things.

Speaking of Union's, aren't they running scared at the moment since Abbott said he is going to have them investigated."

He will ignore climate change,

I wish. He has already said he is going to do something about it. "Man made Climate change is a load of shit anyway.

Ask Tim Flannery, he recently brought a house on the water. "The sea's will rise 3 metres". He's will to take the risk, maybe he doesn't even believe the rubbish that comes out of his mouth

He will slash education and ignore gonski report.

You mean that education system that the country cant afford. 6 Billion a year. The NDIS is 16 Billion a year from memory. Labor would fund them with more business tax, more tax on anyone who gets off their arse and tries to get ahead.

Maybe if they remove the Politically correct bullshit (Bah Bah "Rainbow Sheep" etc) and the "Man Made Climate Change" rubbish from the education system, kids might actually learn important stuff. (Social Engineering by the LEFT. "We'll brainwash them from a early age".)

You know like, spelling, maths, factual science instead of a computer model of global warming that is proving to be false.

When was the last actual year of proven warming ? 16 years ago, thats right. Even the IPCC have said that.

Now i think about it, i should vote liberal. In love the taste of sh!t

I couldn't miss this ALP propaganda.

Oh and Biscuits, you aren't "Thruthvigilante" on this forum below are you ?

Been wondering where you have been.
Abbott cant answer question's. Lol, have you watched Question time in the last few years.

Gillard doesn't answer anything, she just blames Abbott for all of the Labor parties !@#$ up's.

Apparenty she's hated because she's a woman. Wrong, she is hated because of the way Labor and the Green's treat the Australian people.
It's a fact that there would fo been heaps of tradies out of work especially around this area if it wasn't for school buildings program and thing is after it all finished there is somthing to show for it.

Garbage. There was a construction boom taking place in this country at the same time as the school buildings program was ramping up. It actually took trades away from where they should have been.

If you think that Australia is somehow immune from such global financial turmoil you have a rather insular view. To link the home insulation scheme to your currnet power bill now shows little understanding.
Hmm, don't remember saying that. My link between home insulation and electricity prices is that it is easy to spout hundreds of millions in savings when the cost of electricity is so high. Anyone got figures to back up savings versus cost? Not to mention the utter mismanagement it.

We should be thanking the goverment and not constantly winging by how hard done by we are.

No thanks, you can thank them for the poor management that will take years to undo, maybe your kids will too, they may still be paying it off.

Don't worry I have done my research, we were the only OECD country to not to go into recession, which is defined by 3 quaters of negative growth. If I recall we had one 1/4 that was it.

There is no official definition of a recession. Some say 3 quarters of neg growth, some say two. Most use two consecutive quarters of decline in a countries inflation adjusted GDP. There are plenty of other indicators that allude to recession as well.

And now you have gone from "developed" countries to "OECD" countries? Please. Your list to choose from has gone from almost 100 countries to 34.
Abbott cant answer question's. Lol, have you watched Question time in the last few years.

Gillard doesn't answer anything, she just blames Abbott for all of the Labor parties !@#$ up's.

Apparenty she's hated because she's a woman. Wrong, she is hated because of the way Labor and the Green's treat the Australian people.

When there is any scrutany or analasis of Abbott, which is rare, he goes to pieces.

Don't think Mark Riley will be on the Tony's Christmas card list.

Here's a interesting clip on our alternative leader.

Your wasting you time. Who needs science and fact when you listen to Alan Jone and watch Andrew Bolt, proudly bought to you buy Rupert Murdoch.

Your wasting facts on people who have been told what to think by scared old men.
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