Members Pics needed for Muster website

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In discussions with Krafty ... can we also get some group navara photos from some of the trips ... i've stolen some of the good ones from VNOG threads, but how about some from the other states please.

there is a really good chance of having the website up and running TODAY ... so if you see lots of double ups (as krafty stated above) its because we are running short of images. We can update again in a few weeks time as we get more images - but we prefer to get it done in ONE go if possible.
I think Tony may have some pic's from a few group outings.

Ill message him.

Waiting for my team leader to get back to me as my holidays got stuffed up.

Grrrrr, typical.
Awe crap Dave's online, he's going to get mad at me cause he's got a birdshit D22 :sarcastic:
Krafty, he cant help it if he chose to buy a birdshit D22 ... now that he know us, i'm sure he'll see the light eventually.

or do what Scotty done, and do a V8 conversion (but please use a different mechanic work shop for that)
Na, Ill stick to the diesel.

I feel duped. The D40 owners get all these parts replaced from recalls and I get nothing. :happy_smile: :happy_smile: One for Krafty and one for Woody.
Don't feel duped the 280z engine got all it's recalls back in the 80's it's not suprising the conversion to diesel hasn't resulted in problems.

And that's one for each recall I've had.
The L28 hasn't been used since the late 80's, if your refering to the Rb series which is built off the L series.

The D22 doesn't run that engine either.

The oldest designed engine used in the D22's is the VG seies which was designed in the 1980's.

By the way. Finished the site yet Krafty ?
Geez way to kill a good shit stir by quoting useless facts, if I wanted useless facts I'd have asked you how many recalls a D40 has had. :ha:

I'll never finish it if people like you don't offer up images of their Nav. I have got a special pic of your nav planned but at this stage it's not going to get a public airing
Oh and just incase your wondering what special idea I have planned for your Nav, I once converted the livery on a Sprint car from sponsorship stickers to a complete naked lady laying backwards and her legs going either side of the drivers wont be anything like that.
Sounded good, atleast put some naked girls on the bonnet.

I was expecting you to paint it pink or something.
Hey Dave since you're being a wimp and not giving us a picture of your ute, tell me where those pics of the trip you guys did are, I assume the pics were taken by Tony but I'm sure you were there and know where the images are. Come on anyone would thing the on Navara group that exists is VNOG.
Thanks Tony, was hoping to get this finished today, if nothing else to keep me bloody warm this weather sucks.
Did you guys officially "NOG" yourselves into EGGNOG or was that only a joke?
There's some crappy pics in the photobucket link in my sig that you are welcome to use.
Wanna post the link, I've been hunting through crap trying to find stuff from people who have given us permission for ages but searching for images on here is time consuming. I removed the white dot from your rear quarter panel in the image you sent Woody too.

Sorry just re-read your post Navarian, I see the link now, trying to do too many things at once to get this finished.
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After the lack of responses we got from people wanting their rides up there we've decided to can the idea and jsut stick a picture up in a new thread.

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