speeding cyclist

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And a big hole to cycle around where being pig ignorant of the rules won't piss people off....another win win situation.
Or even better.. Convert that green piece of shit bicycle into a coal powered motorbike. Steam powered turbine. Should be able to get a fair bit of forward movement out of a bike like that
Well, this is the Clubhouse. In here we can stray a little if we like. Besides, cyclists like to promote themselves as 'green' and if we really wanted them off the road we'd lobby government to produce a cycle-powered generator and hook the bastards up to that.

Newcastle was supposed to become a ghost town when BHP shut down but that never happened. 3,000 jobs or something like that were lost, but it didn't kill the place. Sure some people left, but more came. There's a LOT of expansion in the new housing estates and there are more cars on the road here now than ever before.

A great deal of what Newcastle does centres around the port. It has a grain facility and a coal facility - and Nathan Tinkler is expanding that even more. I think I read somewhere that Newcastle had the largest coal loading facility in the world, or close to it. It then makes sense that a large portion of the population is here because of that.

It was hinted on earlier, that losing the coal doesn't just affect the mine and the workers there.

There are train drivers, coffee shops, IT firms geared to manage rail systems, train schedulers, track workers, trucks hauling gravel and steel for railway repair, roadworks to maintain those facilities, fuel stations ... that's just directly supporting the industry and its shipping.

Then there's the workers, who need shopping centres, milk bars, pizza bars, pubs, lawn mowing services, whitegoods etc etc. Their kids need schools, and uniforms, sports equipment ...

I could keep going on, but it should be plainly obvious by now that removing a large segment of a community's ability to produce wealth will affect a much, much larger segment of that community.

Close a coal mine in the Hunter, and someone in Good Guys gets the chop? You bet. Those nurses in the emergency ward at the nearby hospital too. And the local grocer. They're all as much dependent on the well-being of the larger industries as the guys that go in day after day, some risking their lives, to keep that industry going.

I'm not advocating that we never change from coal - just making sure that ALL of the little guys aren't forgotten. Once day we'll have to change. We ought to. But we have to be ready for that, too.

thanks tony thats what i was trying to say dont forget the girls on islington strip that need an incum to:
And a big hole to cycle around where being pig ignorant of the rules won't piss people off....another win win situation.

See, now your thinking outside the box. You'd probably do alright charging $5 for 20min or something.
Na no time limit, it's a one way track from the top to the bottom, what we don't tell them is that there is no way back up.
thanks tony thats what i was trying to say dont forget the girls on islington strip that need an incum to:

Haha! :rofl2: Only problem is there are supposed to be none left, the cops not only arrested all the girls, they were posing as women and arresting the people trying to pick them up!

Only time I've ever had a run-in with one, I pulled up outside Jaycar because I needed some components for something urgent (or I'd not go there at night). This bird comes over to the car and hops in, asks me what I'd like.

"I need a few resistors, an LM317 and a cap or two."

"Huh? ... Oh."

She promptly left the vehicle.
In Melbourne it was Operation Halo, a blitz on all unsafe road users with a reported 613 cyclists fined for a range of offences.

In Sydney two weeks ago, a day of police action targeting cyclists and pedestrians near Pyrmont Bridge saw some 30 cyclists get fined.

Source: Linky
Haha! :rofl2: Only problem is there are supposed to be none left, the cops not only arrested all the girls, they were posing as women and arresting the people trying to pick them up!

Only time I've ever had a run-in with one, I pulled up outside Jaycar because I needed some components for something urgent (or I'd not go there at night). This bird comes over to the car and hops in, asks me what I'd like.

"I need a few resistors, an LM317 and a cap or two."

"Huh? ... Oh."

She promptly left the vehicle.

So, where is this Jaycar. What do they charge for "components".
Probably going to annoy some people here but that's life. I commute, off-road and tour in my 4x4, I also commute, race and tour on my bicycle. I hate cyclists and motorists who speed in built up areas, run red lights, run late amber lights, tailgate and don't indicate. They should all get a ticket no exceptions. Most real cyclists feel the same as I do and the majority do the right thing. Here's a great quote from another site that just about sums it up.

I’m amazed by the growing failure of both drivers and cyclists to put their egos aside, acknowledge each other, respect each other, and be able to control their own set of f**king wheels without hurting one another. There always some point to prove. The cyclist machismo versus the driver ignorance/arrogance.

It’s sad because most motorists are good people, and most cyclists are good people. The generalizations of the two groups are outrageous, and unproductive. I think we can all agree on that, can’t we?

When are we all going to grow up, learn a little bit of patience, respect each other, and remain safe and calm so we can all go on our marry ways without having to go to the hospital, the grave, or prison? I’m pretty sure nobody wants to go to any of these places. They all suck and they all are a waste of money.

Take a deep breath and calm the f**k down. Everybody.
Yippee bitch about cyclists time again...it's about time this thread got some new life blood :big_smile:
Aren't they just the most wonderful people on the roads?

Them and Collingwood supporters.
Well its getting to frosty foggy mornings here so most of the Lycra army are upgrading to 4 wheels. makes life a little easier. Just have to put up with the 4 wheel idiots but at least they are a little easier to see
Goddamit Krankin I don't want to calm the f**k down I want to rage and go ballistic (but only if it annoys people)

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