Brand New D40 Turbo Surge and Flutter

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Hey Tony,

I have no idea how i am going to get nissan to fix it when they flatly deny there is an issue. Even with data log information indicating the issue and video recording, the nissan tech and general manager are on my side but their hands are tied as nissan australia will not come to the party.
Id love to have the root cause fixed but Nissan so called warranty is useless.

e.g. look at the faulty bonnet catch fix they had for the Nav or even worse still the so called fixes they had for the 3.0l patrol motor that was an issue :S

An independant report from a certified engineer will force their hand as you can take it further. Unfortunately it costs you money to get the report.

what was their fix for the 3.0 litre?
3.0 fix was change the dip stick so that you put more oil in teh sump lol it had differnet issues tho, engines where goign bang.
Hey Guys,
On the topic of blanked EGR, what can in negativley impact?
I know EGT will be higher but that is prob neither here nor there.

The fact spent gasses are not going back into the inlet would be no carbon buildup.. BUT
Does the carbon and slightly unburnt diesel provide some sort of lubricating function to the inlet valves? What are your thoughts?
Hey Guys,
I know EGT will be higher ...

No. the EGT is not affected 'cause you need to remember that the EGR is CLOSED at WOT.

So apples for apples ... the EGT is the same.

At cruise, when the EGR valve is open, the EGT would be less but you are not at the higher end of the range at that load point. Ie the hottest the EGT's would get are at WOT ... not at cruise

So from what i can ascertain there really is no down side at all of blocked EGR, teh higher EGT myth is nothing to worry about as you say while operating at cruse its at the lower point of the temp range any ways. All makes sence to me now.
Gday guys is this flutter sound a metallic vibration you can hear?
My 2010 st auto has this as well my dealer has replaced the turbo the noise is still present it goes back in tomorrow hopefully they come up with a solution.
The variable control valve for the turbo was replaced by Rex Gorell Geelong a couple of weeks ago on my king cab, no more noise and a big decrease in fuel consumption for some reason, maybe this is an issue with heaps of others out there, I have noticed there are lots of poorly mounted bits in the engine bay with the potential to rattle, especially round the turbo area.
Yeah the Turbo Flutter and on load Turbo surge and flutter noise is nothing like a rattle vibration sound.

EGR is a dirty thing
Have had the EGR valve blocked for over 6 months combined with Flash Lube Diesel additive has improved bottom end and reduced black smoke. I had it serviced by Nissan just after blocking EGR Valve and had them re flash the injector pump as i complained previously the car using more than usual diesel which after the service gave me back the lost economy from new before winch bar and hard lid added.
Flash Lube has reduced the diesel rattle at idle when cold with marginal increase in economy.

If anything from a diesel mech mate of mine EGT will be same or lower and will benefit the life of the engine as there is less carbon being blown back into the intake.

I agree with all those posted previously Nissan Service is S@&T they know it. I don't know how many Navs have clutches, turbos, fuel economy issues and last but not least a cable you need to undo to open your bonnet.

I have only experienced fuel economy issues and a weak clutch which Nissan refuse to acknowledge that there is a problem and have only travelled 30k. All in all the truck does everything I need but I am a little pissed at spending $55k on something then the manufacturer won't back it's product. Sorry to hijack the thread had my whinge so back to the original conversation I too experienced the flutter at around 100km on the highway but had previous exp with turbo diesel Egr valves so it was the first thing I did and resolved the issue.
Such is Life - Thanks fro the post, your right about crap nissan service.
Intersting observation is the NAvs EGR port seems much bigger than most cars, i.e. triton
Might have some thing to do with EGR causing turbulence and turbo probs.
My economy is great now too, 104.l per 100 for combine running around.

So from what i can ascertain there really is no down side at all of blocked EGR, teh higher EGT myth is nothing to worry about as you say while operating at cruse its at the lower point of the temp range any ways. All makes sence to me now.

Correct Krunchi