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I had some BFG ATs on mine (D22). Good size for the gearing. I got 60,000km out of them before I switched and there's still a good 20-25% treead left. Muddies are lasting longer and longer too. Appearance wise they set your ute of way nicer. My bighorns have about 20k on them now and they look like lasting a while longer yet. MickyT and BFGs seem to get some thumbs up from a lot of people round here. I would go for whichever I could get thats cheaper our of those two! Shop round and haggle a bit as well hey
Luke - Yeah I am free but only for the day not at night

Murph - Glad I could swing your mind. But how could you resist these

But if you do end up wanting a set of muddies i'd seriously recommend going a set of Big horn or something with a straight tread pattern.

I have the Cooper STT's which the MTZ's are identical to the coopers and I will tell you now that I have had nothing but troubles with the tyre. If I didn't pay so much for them I would burn them
Whent to clarkys last weekend on the bikes was a good couple of days till i hit a tree on me bike which put me and my bike outta action for the rest of the weekend lol. Nice and green dwn there to
I'm going to try and hold off till I get my ute going. I hate driving my work ute. It's to big and heavy to do tight stuff
Winch truck challenge this weekend at raglan. Whos goin? I knw i am. Its gunna b a prime weekend
i'm working now - only benefit its road works up near Cania so might have time to check that out. Winch challenge eh? sounds like fun
Anyone keen to go for a drive somewhere this weekend? Im getting over not driving my ute so im thinking about putting my standard tray back on till I get my new one fixed, if we can get enough people though to make a decent drive. Anyone up for it?
I should have the tray done in about 2 weeks time. The 4x4 itch is getting to me haha so we will have to organise another one then