Qld election

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OMFG.........a Queenslander, and 4WD owner who voted green

red button for you......:homoswitch:

Haha more for a balance of power thing. That and my only options were LNP, ALP, Family First or Greens.

Wasted vote! I thought it was fairly funny that Greens didn't win a single seat. It was a clear message to Federal, along side Labors result. But what's the bet Julia will blame ALP's embarrassing defeat on Abbott?

We're all thinking it. I'm so glad there is a smilie that says homo.

I wouldn't say it was a wasted vote. The election was fairly one sided , Labour didn't even show up at my area.

So we need a balanced parliament ??
Just like the federal parliament ??
Each major party their has similar numbers...
How is that workin out......

Haha there is a difference between balanced and clashing. That is why I don't think ALP should have gotten in by preference. But I am bloody glad they did compared to Mr Rabbot.

I knew I would get flamed for posting that I voted Greens. I voted on policies and personality of the local members. LNP was John-Paul Langbroek and the ALP was a uni student named Mattew Donovan.
Don't feel bad. At least your vote was informed and for a good reason. Not just beacause the media said vote liberal. All that yesterday prooved was that Queensland's Lamb industry is stronger than ever. All the sheep voted how they were told to vote and now come the consequences.

Petty happy with my decision to move back to WA right now. )I know the irony of that comment as WA is leberal gov. But it is balanced and the premiere is actually good at his job, not a random bloke with no experience who was on some local council once)
The thing us Qlders have to remember is, Campbell MUST deliver his promises/goals etc within the next 3 years or he will be ousted, just like bligh was. Bligh had to go, the sheer incomptetance was simply unbelievable, and us little people were crying out for fresh ideas/solutions.

One thing I will be watching closely is Campbells rego freeze for the next 3 years, that EXCLUDES ute owners (and motorcycles). I'm not sure if this applies to commercially registered utes or both private/commercial.

But, good luck to him, just hope he can deliver and not stuff us around anymore like we have been the last how many years. Oh, and I voted KAP as well. Knew Newman was going to romp it in so I voted for the little KAP candidate, :redcool:
Now this is why Compulsary voting is a joke ! So many people have no idea. They vote a certian way because of the TV station they watch. People should sit a IQ test before they are allowed to vote that way no one would vote green :rofl2: Ha ha Only jokes (please don't be offended) "All you Hippies"
Now this is why Compulsary voting is a joke ! So many people have no idea. They vote a certian way because of the TV station they watch. People should sit a IQ test before they are allowed to vote that way no one would vote green :rofl2: Ha ha Only jokes (please don't be offended) "All you Hippies"

Yeah you are right.
I heard an American lady here (tourist) who was really supprised when she heard it was compulsory here. Quite incocently she said in her southern drawl "but then all the stupid people can vote" I thought what a terible thing to say but I couldn't get that little statement out of my head. Why, because she was right.
That seems to infer that the "not so stupid" people actually vote correctly. Somehow I don't think that's correct. The idea of having more than one side means that someones got to vote wrong.

However if one doesn't vote what right do they have to complain about the system or the government in place?
Rather interesting in the north here. Katters party got most of the swing, of course all there preferences going to the LNP. What gets me is KAP has such old fashion, protectionist, socialist style polocies and then pick up a swag of votes in such conservative electorates. Work that out??

Last night was a stunning victory for the LNP but it's scarey big. I was reading about the LNP decapitation process and spending huge amounts of money campaining in seats where promising potential leaders of the Labor party (more noictably Andrew Fraser) would definatley be voted out. Even in my seat of Barron River, just north of Carins The LNP material coming in the post adressed to me was running about 4 to1 with labor. My Phone has been running hot with polling, robot calls for the LNP and even as soon as I walked back in from polling i got exit polled. One thing is for certain the LNP had heaps more cash to play with than any previous elections and no doubt Clive Palmer lending a finacial helping hand.
Hey, vote Green, LNP or whatever you like, just make sure it's an informed vote. Even the bogan in front of me at the pollling booth didn't even know which elctorate he was in.
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Apparently the Labor Party need 9 seats or more to get taxpayer funded cars, phones, offices, expense accounts, travel etc etc

Notice we didn't hear anything from either side on Daylight Savings?
Jason, that would be why Bligh is calling it quits. Lack of freebies. Shows her real self, gutless and won't even do the job that the ones that voted her back in were asking. I guess she is scared of a little hard work , just leave the mess to someone else to clean up.
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Basically telling her electorate that they have to go back to the polls for a by-election too. That'd piss me off enough to vote LNP, ha ha.
Could be worse, you could have Clive Palmer on your side.

Shows just how bad Anna and her mates were when that fruitcake who just about single handedly bank rolls the Libs can come out with his shit and the party still wins the election.
I don't understand how people could want voting non compulsory? Whoever is in power effects all citizens of this country, and ALL people should have their voice. By not enforcing it, people become lazy, and it does not reflect the true heart and change Australia wants. Honestly, it doesn't take much to know that if you don't like the way things are being done, just vote for the other guy. And there is so much junk set up at polling stations that should help people guide their decisions.
I personally think counsel elections should be compulsory as well, since there is so little propaganda on it, and they're probably the most directly relevant governing body to us.
So we need a balanced parliament ??
Just like the federal parliament ??
Each major party their has similar numbers...
How is that workin out......
It should really be that every MP is independent, and when legislation comes up to vote, they all make the decision according to the better of the state and their electorate. But that will never, ever, ever happen.

In Qld, however, the 3rd party would be KAP. Which is essentially the peak of the right wing LNP. So really, you can vote far left (greens), left (ALP), right (LNP), or far right (KAP). Your choice really. I would honestly hope to see a come back by the Democrats this coming Federal election. They'll be sure to get my 2nd preference in the senate.

Yeah we want a balanced party, but not so balanced that a few Independants have the power, or one Green.......

I like the fact that this sends a message to Canberra and every Politician out there. Don't forget who put you there and who you work for.
Well as long as a party holds a majority, then anyone else in the house is there for no reason. Once there is a majority, you've got your bill. And unless there is an upper house developed in Qld, the party in power will always have control.

Qld's message will kill Gillard. It's pay back for chopping Rudd, throwing him away like a piece of meat. She'll feel it coming Federal election.

Rather interesting in the north here. Katters party got most of the swing, of course all there preferences going to the LNP. What gets me is KAP has such old fashion, protectionist, socialist style polocies and then pick up a swag of votes in such conservative electorates. Work that out??
Katter is Qld country. People don't care what he stands for, all they know is that he's knocking on their doors, he's local, and he's passionate about farming. That's enough to gather their vote.

One thing is for certain the LNP had heaps more cash to play with than any previous elections and no doubt Clive Palmer lending a finacial helping hand.
They get donations from mining. ALP gets theirs from unions. LNP obviously managed the funds better.

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