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Hey guys this is a public forum you want to be a little carefull.

The Austech forums went racing to delete everything off there servers and did after be threatend with legal action.
Would be good to see if there ever was a response to that e-mail. It has got me fucked how these &/"&s have managed to change the aussie way of life with Christmas and meat and other stuff that has been stopped cause immigrants don't like it.
Would be good to see if there ever was a response to that e-mail. It has got me fucked how these &/"&s have managed to change the aussie way of life with Christmas and meat and other stuff that has been stopped cause immigrants don't like it.

I doubt he got any response, and if he did it would not of been from the PM and it wouldn't have contained any answers to all those questions he asked that's for certain.
Hey guys this is a public forum you want to be a little carefull.

The Austech forums went racing to delete everything off there servers and did after be threatend with legal action.

I would think that just further proves the point. we cant even talk about what we want with out some one being offended, and just because they are offended DOES NOT make them RIGHT!

Weekly allowance
vet = $253.00 immigrant =$472.50

Weekly Spouse allowance

vet = $56.00 immigrant = $472.50

Additional weekly hardship allowance

vet = $0.00 imm = $145.00
Does anyone have any real source to back this crap up?
As far as I know, the immigrant figures quoted here are the FORTNIGHT payment. not weekly and thus less than the pension.

And it is only paid to those accepted as genuine refugees.

Umm a wife of an old age pensioner gets the same rate as the male if she is also a pensioner. Who have thunk that. Otherwise, she is like everyone else and has to work. Hint, single OAP get a higher rate than the rate pad to each OAPs who are married.

Hardship allowances are only handed out in very restricted circumstances and are not a right. AFAIK, they are an advance. You can bet your bottom dollar that the staff at Centrelink are not going to hand this out because someone rocks up to the counter with a sob story.

If you are going to write to the PM or any polly, get the basic facts right.

Sound advice to stick to one issue and one issue only, otherwise they get confused(will duck the hard point for the easy reply).

I honestly can not believe that any genuine Australian Vietnam Veteran would write a rambling pile of shit like that. In his days(before mine) at school, letter writing was taught. It look very much like some crappy cut and paste job that kids of today try to hand in for school work.

As far as Clean Up Australia day goes, it would only take one Sudanese participate to have greater proportion of them involved then Australians. In fact, just about a greater proportion of every ethnic group participates than "Australians" do. Sorry guys/gals, but been there and seen it many times.

If we are going to change al the pollies minds about bringing people to Australia, it helps if people don't push rubbish like this. It undoes a lot of past work.
Hey guys this is a public forum you want to be a little carefull.

The Austech forums went racing to delete everything off there servers and did after be threatend with legal action.

What were they threaten with/for?
And who by?

The devil s in the detail.

IME wanna be pollies are the worst for trying to protect their "reputation", but it is all piss and wind mostly.

Instead of running away in fear, you need to educate yourself about the laws of libel and defamation.
we have them burning poppys,insulting returning troops through megaphones all whilst claiming as much as they can from our welfare system from a country they hate and want to change,i say ok heres a town u live in it run it as a sharia town ie no benefits,chopping hands off,stonning women for showing a toe and in a yrs time well see if you wanna intergrate
Well said Jase. They should be put in the middle of the dessert and fenced off I reckin. They are used to that and then we dont have to worry about our kids or us going out for a night and being stabbed or shot for looking the wrong way. We then might also be able to go to a fast food outlet and order a bacon double deluxe burger that is on the menu that they won't serve.
scottybobcat said:
Well said Jase. They should be put in the middle of the dessert and fenced off I reckin. They are used to that and then we dont have to worry about our kids or us going out for a night and being stabbed or shot for looking the wrong way. We then might also be able to go to a fast food outlet and order a bacon double deluxe burger that is on the menu that they won't serve.

I say sink a few boats, show the world that Australia is not to be f**ked with and won't accept any more lame ass illegals. They're only coming cause the government went all limp d**ked.
^ That works for me to.

But Australia is run by the UN now, they wouldn't like it.

UN says "Let the bludging refugees out into the community, so they can start gangs and violence"

Gillard and Brown tongue say "Whatever you say"

People crack the shits and say "We dont want these !@#$%^& here"

Gillard and Brown tongue say "Now now, they had it hard. Gang mentality is what there use to and you should except them"
+(many more than 1..) to Dave.. yes its true that SOME of them are coming from war torn areas.. but no reason just to kick our door in.

and +1 to bring Jonny back!
What annoys me more then anything is.

How many Billion's of dollars have been handed out and rorted.

What is this money actually doing ?

There still fleeing these places.

Take Nigerians for example, there some of the biggest scammers out there and all the Pirates.

Do we really want there shit coming here.
What about English backpakers over staying there visas they are the biggest group of ilegals. Maybe they should be shot on site. Perhaps stick them in a boat and use them for target practice. Oh that's right, nearly forgot there white and speak english.
Anyway my last post on the racial villification thread. Perhaps the mods could just change the title of the thread now. You know save any ambiguity
Hate will eat away inside you blokes . I know Karma has no scientific basis but there is somthing in it.
I can see you throfing and salivating over just reading this:) Sorry can't help but just to keep winding that spring.
I know, i'm a smart arse. so spray away.
Does anyone have any real source to back this crap up?
As far as I know, the immigrant figures quoted here are the FORTNIGHT payment. not weekly and thus less than the pension.

And it is only paid to those accepted as genuine refugees.

Umm a wife of an old age pensioner gets the same rate as the male if she is also a pensioner. Who have thunk that. Otherwise, she is like everyone else and has to work. Hint, single OAP get a higher rate than the rate pad to each OAPs who are married.

Hardship allowances are only handed out in very restricted circumstances and are not a right. AFAIK, they are an advance. You can bet your bottom dollar that the staff at Centrelink are not going to hand this out because someone rocks up to the counter with a sob story.

If you are going to write to the PM or any polly, get the basic facts right.

Sound advice to stick to one issue and one issue only, otherwise they get confused(will duck the hard point for the easy reply).

I honestly can not believe that any genuine Australian Vietnam Veteran would write a rambling pile of shit like that. In his days(before mine) at school, letter writing was taught. It look very much like some crappy cut and paste job that kids of today try to hand in for school work.

As far as Clean Up Australia day goes, it would only take one Sudanese participate to have greater proportion of them involved then Australians. In fact, just about a greater proportion of every ethnic group participates than "Australians" do. Sorry guys/gals, but been there and seen it many times.

If we are going to change al the pollies minds about bringing people to Australia, it helps if people don't push rubbish like this. It undoes a lot of past work.

Terry let me just say i didnt write that email i only received it, and considering the topic i thought i would post it up here for all that were interested.

The email was actually sent to me via my old man, who is actually a Vietnam veteran.

Not at any stage did i or my father say that the figures in this email were 100% correct, actually i think the writer asks "is it true that these refuges get the following payments" quite frankly i have not read through the many pages of all the different benefits available to the many different categories of government payments.

My father has told me about the fight he had with veteran affairs to receive his full TPI pension from them, i must say i was more than a little saddened to here how they treat someone who went to war for his country.

Anyway what he also explained is that there are many different levels of payments and benefits given to veterans or service man/women, and of course this is determined from, if you served in the army or weather you actually went to war, and were in active duty.

The final part is my fathers wife does receive a pension via the department of veteran affairs, BUT it is a hell of allot less then what dad receives and there is no way she could live on it alone without combining it with dads.

Can i just say that not everything in that letter to the PM was based totally on that guys figures, after all i think he was trying to get the actual figures from her.

oh and if you look at the very top of the post you will see "IF THIS IS FAIR DINKUM" so not everyone believes that this letter is 100% "FAIR DINKUM"

Let me just finish off with saying that i dont agree with ALL that was said in the so called letter to the PM, but "he" did raise some quite valid points.

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I was only thinking the other day that John Howard really wasn't that bad considering what the current bowl of fruit loops have been up to lately.
Johnny was actually a gun. People wanted change, little did they realize it's under Johnny that our pockets are loaded, we're safe, happy, and there's plenty of jobs. Labour likes to screw with that a lot. I'd wager 20$ that Liberals are in next election by a land slide.

I say sink a few boats, show the world that Australia is not to be f**ked with and won't accept any more lame ass illegals. They're only coming cause the government went all limp d**ked.
Although I'd never support the killing of anyone innocent, it is the right mentality. Sending people back in full force of border protection normally sends the message.

What about English backpakers over staying there visas they are the biggest group of ilegals. Maybe they should be shot on site. Perhaps stick them in a boat and use them for target practice. Oh that's right, nearly forgot there white and speak english.
Anyway my last post on the racial villification thread. Perhaps the mods could just change the title of the thread now. You know save any ambiguity
Hate will eat away inside you blokes . I know Karma has no scientific basis but there is somthing in it.
I can see you throfing and salivating over just reading this:) Sorry can't help but just to keep winding that spring.
I know, i'm a smart arse. so spray away.

That's absolute crap. Majority of UK and Irish backpackers come here because Australia throws out the visas, and they all get jobs, pay their bills and fit into our culture. They respect the country. The walk the walk and talk the talk. It's the English that are shouting me a round at the pub, not the muzos. Plus there are a number of requirements for visas including finance for their return trip.
Secondly, you don't think the English want to get out? England is a bloody mess with immigration, no one is happy with it there, and AFAIK, they had a huge respect for the way Johnny did things.

Atleast out West its Australian.

Sydney is turning into every other part of the world, were English is a second language.
West being WA? Don't jump on that. It's still a majority Australian population, but times are changing.

Don't think Melbourne is much different from Sydney, either. We're loosing a lot of our guns.
Na as in Western NSW.

Its still Aussie, go to Sydney and its like walking in Shanghai.

I dont like change and the "New Age World".

WTF was wrong with the way this place use to be.

Maybe if the Police were given more money they'd get rid of more drug dealers, Bikie gangs and every other sort of gang on the street etc.

But no, we hand money out to other countries to look good for the UN. Just so Rudd can get his seat on the UN bench.