Toowoomba Floods

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Krafty, my local ARB Oldmate must be on the ball as i got my quote back about 2 minutes after i hung up.

Grained finish, 2x lift up windows, colour coded and fitted - $2675.00
Smooth finish, 2x lift up windows, inc colour code and fitted - $3030.00
ARB Steel cage to suit canopy -1850 x 1120mm $1206.00 fitted
ARB Steel cage to suit canopy -1850 x 1250mm $1215.00 fitted
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Did you ask if it comes free with pontoons as well :big_smile:

I suppose different places are effected differently but are they suggesting this can happen soon and that they are open for business or is business still a no go zone for you there?
How's bub is she liking her first big wet? Your probably lucky she's not 6 months old instead of 6 days, by 6 months you'd be spending all your time trying to stop her playing in the puddles.
biscuits or fuckwit whatever your name is i dont see why we need to be punished you should go back to wa. your not a good queenslander.
it's good too see some people can find some humor in things even if it is just a little bit.

I guess that becomes easier when your city is not being destroyed, your own possessions, those of your family and friends, and the lives of people you know are not at risk. I am yet to see the funny side, but in a couple of days I might come 'round....
Humour comes in different shapes, not everyone can laugh, and no one is asking them too, personally after Black Saturday laughing was about all that kept us going because we were just too tired for anything else but that doesn't mean everyone did. Lord knows some people thought we were mad but it's just what we did.

I doubt too many people here deliberately set out to upset people with their comments and I think most people do give a damn about what's going on but humour is always going to come in different ways there is no real point getting upset about it.

Unless the humour is in particular bad taste(for instance how many laughed at all the jokes of the NASA explosion years ago, or Micheal Jackson death etc etc), or unmistakeably personal then some times it's just easier to ignore things than get fired up about them. A bad joke fades quicker than a barrage of abuse.
Get off you high horse D40 Abuser. We got our ass kicked up here to. The entire state has been underwater for over a month. Don't get shitty at me for making a harmless joke.

Take you anger out on the Government that failed to prevent this after 74' by building levys and infrastructure.

At least Brisbane had a couple of days warning. We got nothing and people died because of it.

I have lost a child in 09' and a good does of perspective from that exerpience taught me that possesions are fuck all in the grand scheme of things, people matter. The material things we lost up here and what brisbane people will loose down there can be replaced.

I meant no malice and your anger is misplaced.
And you don't have to. But that is no reason to get abusive.

I wouldn't imagine you would see a comedian and call him an Fwit because you didn't like his joke.

Anyhow moving on. Does anyone have any photos from. Ipswich or Brisbane.
Na Willowbank aint under water ... You just cant get there unless you have a boat....

I'm thinking of having an outboard fitted like topgear .. :)
I'm not getting involved but this is why I brought up the joke thing and ended up argueing with Krankin.(we have since kissed and made up)I know what you are saying Krafty and laugh after the fact because your right if you don't all you do is cry but it doesn't need to happen when things are so raw.People have and still are going through traumatic times.
Wether people have lost a loved one, a pet or their property it is still there trauma and people deal with grief in different ways.

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